Chapter 19 - Investigation

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You released the breath you had been holding slowly. Kazuichi was releasing strained tears and breaths beside you, staring at the scene in front of you. Blood rushed around your head, your mind desperately wanting to make sense of the situation.

Hajime had eventually entered. He had been standing outside, not wanting to enter, because your silence had answered all of his questions.

There was a body in there. It was possible.

And someone had killed her.

Your brain processed everything, and finally the fog inside your mind had cleared. You studied Mahiru's cold face - it showed regret. Sadness. Fear. Hajime was the next to break.

"Wh-Why did this happen to her?!" he exclaimed from the doorway. You turned your head back, a calm, yet saddened expression adorning your features. He tensed up considerably and placed a hand on the wall to keep his balance whilst clutching his head.

"B-Before... Before this... we were having a great time, weren't we?" Kazuichi asked to no one in particular. "We were all excited about going to the beach... We were... We were all having lots of fun... So why..." He peeked over to the body yet again and wailed.

"So why did something like this happen?! Someone, tell me!" Kazuichi grasped his beanie with both hands, tears streaming down his face in despair.

"U-Um..." A new voice had entered the crime scene. Ibuki was standing behind Hajime, glancing over his shoulder innocently.

"Um... A-blub-blub-blub-blub-blub-blub!" Ibuki's mouth foamed up and her eyes rolled to the back of her head as water escaped the corners of her eyes.

"Ibuki, do you think you can go and tell the others that Mahiru's body is here?" you requested calmly. The foam died down and Ibuki nodded gloomily. You thanked her and she trudged away from the beach house. You turned to the boys, who were still grief-stricken.

"I'm going to get changed, so keep an eye on the scene for me. Others will arrive but I'll be back soon to investigate," you informed. The two looked slightly alarmed at the fact that they had to stay with a body alone for a while, but agreed anyway.

Briskly, you changed in your room and made your way back to the beach house. You decided that you needed to get back as soon as possible, both to relieve Hajime and Kazuichi from staying in the same room as a corpse and to investigate as soon as possible. If more people investigated, the scene would become contaminated, so you wanted to be one of the first there.

Some of the girls were only just going back to change, most likely because they didn't want to get there in a hurry, trying to prolong the time they had before seeing another one of their murdered friends.

You reached the beach house and didn't see anyone else except Hajime and Kazuichi. You had made it back before anyone else got there. However, you noticed something you hadn't noticed before.

'Footprints only leading out?' You tilted your head quizzically. Your sets of footprints leading both in and out were there along with Ibuki's, as were Hajime and Kazuichi's leading in, but there were a significantly smaller set that were only leading out. It was definitely important.

The girls had started to arrive not long after that, but you stopped them so that they could see the body, but not step on the evidence.

"Wh-What the hell is this?!" Akane yelled.

"Eeeeeeeeeek! Wh-Why?! ... Mahiru?!" Mikan screamed, the high frequency alerting Hajime and Kazuichi of their presence.

"F-For heaven's sake...! What in the world is going on...?!" Sonia cried, her face a shade lighter than before. Each one of their eyes were filled with terror at the sight they were seeing, except Chiaki. She seemed more focused on what you were also so cautious of – the footprints.

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