Chapter 23

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The shrill voice of Monokuma woke you from your slumber before you realised you had fallen asleep. You were certain that you weren't the only one deprived from sleep from the events of the day before, but you were thankful that you didn't dwell on it for so long that you felt weakened the next day.

You lifted your duvet off of your body and slid out of bed. You proceeded to complete your morning routine and changed into a set of your everyday attire. Once you had finished, you swiftly made your way out of your cottage and to the restaurant. The soft breeze and chirping of nearby birds made you feel serene and caused you to temporarily forget about Fuyuhiko and Peko.

That was, of course, until you heard a scream.

A piercing shriek could be heard from the restaurant, causing you to jump from a saunter to a sprint. You leapt up the staircase with as much energy as you could muster, to face the backs of your fellow classmates.

"What happened?!" you cried.

"Th-These ph-photos!" Mikan screeched from the front of the crowd. You parted the students in the middle, giving you visibility of the cause of chaos.

There was stand full of daisies and grass, along with cow skulls and well lit candles in front of it. In the centre, there was a board with several photos taken by Mahiru pinned to it. The aura it gave off was absolutely dreadful, and you couldn't stand to be around it for much longer, although, the more you looked at it, the more it seemed to be a tribute. The photos alone made the corners of your lips twitch upward, but the overall display was horrific and admittedly, made you reel back a little.

"It is clearly some form of satanic ritual! Goddess, cast your powers upon it! Command it to disperse!" Gundham pleaded, shielding his eyes with his arms.

"Whoever the heck did this had a hella lot of nerve..." Akane growled.

"Th-That's right...! Treating Mahiru's photos like this...! H-How... disrespectful!" Mikan screamed.

"S-Such a heartless trick...!" Sonia breathed, face pale and clammy.

"G-Guys? I don't think it's-"

"... I know right? Haha, seriously, it's just the worst. Who the hell did it, I wonder? It's so bad and ugly... You're right... There's no way... Mahiru will be happy with this..." Hiyoko trailed off, interrupting Hajime's sentence. You quirked your brow at her odd behaviour, but softened your gaze when you put two and two together.

"I doubt she'll simply be unhappy... I'm certain she'll be so infuriated that she'll cry tears of blood!" Nekomaru clenched his fists in sorrow.

"So who the hell did this...?" Kazuichi asked solemnly.

"No, not now... We'll search for this criminal later. At this moment in time... START THE FIRE!!! We need to burn it all so that Mahiru can remain in peace!" Nekomaru ordered, moving towards one of the candles, before Chiaki blocked his path.

"Wait a minute," she said, puffing out her cheeks. "You shouldn't burn it. Someone took their time to make this, and I think it was designed so that we can mourn her. You can't just burn it."

Several students muttered the same, "What the heck?", which gave Kazuichi his cue to speak up.

"Are you sure you haven't got it backwards? That whoever made this is totally disrespecting her?"

"Don't you think it's a little... clumsy, though?" Chiaki wondered, tilting her head slightly.

"She's right. I mean, look at the photos properly. Don't you think that they made it so that we won't forget about her?" you questioned rhetorically, knowing no one would answer.

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