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Eight years before...

     They had come for him. "Kalhari, stay here," Minho said to me as we heard a knock on the door. 

     "No," I replied, shaking my head furiously. "If you let them in, they'll take you. I'll never see you again." I grabbed his arm to stop him from leaving.

     "You don't know that." He turned away from me, trying to hide the obvious frown on his face. I didn't want him to leave, and I could tell he didn't leave me either. We were all each other had, having lost Mom only a few months ago to the same sickness that took Dad.

    "Yes, I do. The papers said so."


     "The papers I saw Mom sign before she went crazy," I exclaimed. "They said she releases all custody of you to them." 

      He sighed, "Kalhari, you're only eight. You have no idea what you're talking about."

     "You're barely two years older than me!" I yelled out in frustration.

     The sadness in his usually sweet and caring brown eyes deepened. He made a move to answer, but no words came. Instead, another knock at the door quieted us both. "I'm sorry." He whispered as he gently pulled my hand off of him. Before I could even protest, he had already sprinted out of the room.

     I jumped to my feet and chased after him. "Minho, don't!!"

    But it was too late, he had already opened the door. In the doorway stood three adults, two men and one woman, dressed in pure white. The word WICKED was emblazoned on the pockets of their lab coats. "I assume you've been expecting us." One of the men said. My brother grimly nodded and stepped outside with them. "Subject A7 secured." The same man said into a device.

     "Wait!" I pleaded as I rushed up to them. 

     "Kalhari, stop," Minho said, his eyes brimming with tears as he locked eyes with me.

     Regardless, I rushed up to him and threw my arms around for one last time. "I love you, Minho." My eyes began to water as I hugged my older brother as close to me as I could manage. 

    "I love you too, little sis." He said, hugging me back tightly. I'd miss his hugs the most. He was notorious for squeezing the life out of me. "Everything will be fine. I'll see you soon."

    In the back of my mind, I knew he was wrong. He wouldn't be coming back. The papers said so. "Please don't forget me." I pleaded, silent tears rolling down my cheeks.

    "I swear I'll never forget you."

    "We have to go now." The other man said. 

    Minho gave me one last squeeze and a hushed whisper of "I love you too" before allowing the two men to escort him away.

    "Wait, please!" I called again desperately. "One last thing!" 

    The woman stopped in her tracks and turned around to look at me. "Yes?" She asked politely.

     "Can you please keep his name the same?" I asked. Weeks ago, when I had snuck into my mom's room and read the forms she had signed, one particular phrase stuck with me for a reason I have yet to completely figure out. One of their policies were to change the names of their subjects. Minho wasn't going to be Minho anymore. 

    Surprisingly, the woman smiled with understanding. "What's his name?"


    "I'll see what I can do." She answered. She turned to leave again. "Your mom told us her sister would take care of you. The heads tried to argue for custody of you too, but they didn't get very far. Your mom was very adamant despite her mental state. Maybe one day, you will see your brother again and the world will be a better place. That's what we strive for." She gave me one last smile. "Goodbye, sweetie."

     The door softly closed behind her. The world had always been a dark place, bleak without hope, but now it was even worse. I have no one. I collapsed to my knees, unable to control my sobs. I was completely alone.


AN: I'm extremely excited about this story!! I hope you all enjoyed. Not 100% sure on an update schedule though. I'll get back to you on that.

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