Chapter 1

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Here's a list of things that I don't like.

I don't like sunshine.

I don't like celery.

I don't like boredom.

Ironically enough, I don't like death. Thanatos is fine, I'm talking about people actually dying.

I definitely don't like Percy Jackson, at least not romantically.

I hate, hate, hate hospitals.

And guess where I was stuck? Almost dead, In a cot in a bright, sunny, and boring infirmary, after 'clearing the air' with Percy, being taken care of by Will Solace, the son of the Sun God. All I need now if for somebody to try and serve 'ants on a log' for lunch.

Now, don't get me wrong, Will Solace wasn't a bad guy. In fact, I rather admired him. He was strong when others needed him to be, and was one of the best medics we had in battle. The only problem with him was that he was insistent that I stayed here, in bed, with plenty of sunlight, for-

"Three days, Nico. No less, no negotiations. Doctors orders." He pushed me back down on the cot, and went to help the other patients.

Three days. How the heck was I expected to stick around that long? Eventually, I would get out. But, as of now, there was no way to sneak. Will, though usualy pretty laid back and 'chill,' as people say, had the eyes of a hawk. I hadn't even seen him leave the cabin yet. He said it was to keep an eye on us all, but I wasn't buying it. The only other demigods here were an extremely restless daughter of Hermes, an extremely bored son of Aphrodite, and a an extremely short son of Hephaestus. All stuck here in the boring infirmary, with nothing to do but count the dots on the ceiling, and recover. There was no way we'd get in trouble, whether or not Will was babysitting us... but I've learned throughout my life as a demigod, saying that you're out of danger or trouble could very well get you sent on a one-way trip to the underworld.

I had been trying (in vain) to get up for the entire time had been there. Somehow, that insufferable blond caught me every time, flashing a blinding smile as he walked me back to my cot. Once he had me laying down again, he would continue to work on restocking supplies. Nobody talked. Time ticked by, and eventually you could cut the tension with a knife. Finally, I made some attempt at conversation.

"So, how long do you think it'll be before I stop going transparent randomly? I mean, not that it isn't cool and all, but I'd rather not see the sheets when I look down at my stomach." He turned away from the cabinet where he was color-coding bandages, and looked me over. Even though I knew it was purely for medical reasons, I still felt like I was being checked out. I could feel a blush spreading to my face. Dangit! Stop that, brain. Shut up.

"Depending on how much rest you get, you should be completely substantial by tomorrow morning. But if you keep getting up, it will take longer." Great. Another 12 hours of literal ghost boy. Leo would have killed himself over that one... but I guess he already did that, didn't he? I rolled over flopped back onto the pillows. He chuckled, and went back to organizing. Geez, his laugh was adorable. Wait, adorable? No. It was annoying. Definitely not adorable. I pulled the covers over my head to hide the blush, wincing at the strain it put on the stitches on my arm. Will, of course, noticed.

"What did you do to yourself now?" he asked, walking over to the bed. I hadn't let him do a full examination yet, and was trying to keep it that way.

"Nothing. Nothing at all, I'm fine, go back to color coding. You were almost to the blue ones, yeah? Keep going!" I mumbled into the pillows, waving him towards the cupboards. He wasn't buying it. In a flash, he had turned me around and was leaning over me, his face far too close to mine. 'Back up! Too close! Run away!' My head screamed, but I managed to stay still.
"Something's obviously wrong," He diagnosed. No dip, sherlock. He trying to move my shirt, to look at the claw marks. I pulled it back, and stuck out my tongue. 

"You've been pulling down your sleeves every few minutes! Something's obviously not good. Let me take a look. Doctor's orders." I could hear the Hermes girl snicker, and whisper, 'He's got you now!' Gee, thanks allot. I couldn't tell. He sighed.

"You know," he said, "These three days will go alot faster for you and I, if you'd just cooperate, Death-boy" I held out my arm for him to look, and forced an obviously sarcastic smile.

"Thanks for the input, Sunshine. I'll be sure to remember it." He rolled his eyes, and looked over the wounds.

"Reyna did a good job stitching you up, but it needs clean bandages, and some ointment. What was it that attacked you? It got you pretty good." He asked, touching one of the claw-marks.

"I fought off a werewolf on our way to deliver the Athena Parthenos." I said nonchalantly, stifling a laugh at the way his eyes bugged out at the mention of werewolves. He  collected himself, and pulled his hand back, shaking his head. "Nasty gash, It won't heal fast. I'll be right back with the supplies." I nodded, and turned over to my side. Yet another scar that wasn't about to heal quick. Hopefully, though, with the war over, it would be the last one for a while. "You know, he could heal your heart and your arm," a thought whispered, in reference to my old crush on Percy. I pulled a pillow over my head, and groaned. Not a chance. Shut up, brain. "If there's one thing I'm not going to do, It's fall for that sunny asshat." I mumbled to myself.

"Yeah, right." snorted the Hermes girl, her mess of dirty blonde hair falling over the bloodied bandage over her left eye. She threw a box of tissues in my direction, and stuck out her tongue. I was really starting to hate her.

"Well I'm not." I said, chucking it back to her. She caught it, mocking fear. The Aphrodite boy, (who I had until then believed to be asleep) sat up and shook his head.

"Come on, Deathboy," he said, with a ridiculously handsome smile, "From the way you blush, It doesn't take a child of Aphrodite to tell you already have."

Scratch that. I would take the Hermes girl over Aphro-boy any day. I was about to chuck the water jug next to my cot at him, when Will walked in with the supplies. He looked pretty confused to find three of his four patients (who were supposed to be resting) not only sitting up, but about to throw things at each other.

"What did I miss?" He asked, setting the basket of supplies down next to me, and pushing his blond curls out of his eyes. The Hermes girl started making kissy faces behind his back. I facepalmed, and Will just looked even more confused than before.

Oh Gods. Kill me now.

(A.N. Yay! First chapter! This is my first time writing Solangelo, so bear with me. It's a lot more fun than I thought. So, any thought? Is Nico too grumpy? Should the next chapter be in Will's POV? Who are the other Patients? Add it in the comments!!)

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