Chapter 1.

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Disclaimer! I do NOT own any of the characters in Shameless Except Paige, Noah, and Gabbi. Although I wish I could. I sadly do not.

ALSO if you guys are looking for a story line that is following the Shameless show than you are wrong. I am trying my own thing to see how it works out.

Little things from the show will be on here. Life in the Gallagher's house is still fucked up. I am also using a New York accent. So i'm learning how they talk. I wanted to challenge myself so this was how I am going to do it. So please if you see something strange and wrong don't hesitate to tell me. Help is appreciated. So here's my story. Enjoy! :)


Change. Change seemed like the only thing that came naturally as the world went by. Paige still seemed to be a fuck up. Selling drugs, breaking into houses, and stealing shit.

It was her way of living life. It was how she had gotten by. Even though she had been in multiple foster homes and had been in juvie more than she could even count anymore.

She didn't want to be tied down to a family that wasn't going to accept her. She wanted to be wanted. Not the other way around.

She thought that since she had broken into her ex's house, she would be going to juvie until she was sent to prison. But she had another chance. The cop, named Mathewson, said she could either try to be in a family where she would try and get adopted or she could stay in prison for the rest of her life.

She took the lesser of the two, which was to go into another family. Mathewson knocked on the bars of her cell. "Wakey wakey Paige!" Paige rolled her eyes knowing that he would never let go of the stupid nickname he had given her.

"I'm up," she grumbled and sat up from her hard bed. It crinkled underneath her, like a paper bag, as she moved. She hated this cell's bed. But she had a bed so she was happy about that. Unlike in her other family where you had to sleep on the floor with a sleeping bag.

Paige sighed and popped her back feeling better as the air bubbles escaped. "Your new foster family is here," Mathewson said smiling. Paige hated this with a passion. She was just going to end up back in the slammer again anyway.

So she stood up and ran a hand through her brown hair. Her blue juvie uniform was not attractive but she had clothes. At least it wasn't orange. She hates the color orange.

"Okay. Take me to my next hell hole," she says lifting her arms not bothering to even look at him. He sighed and pushed the cell door open. He placed the cuffs around her wrists and smiled at her as she turned to look at him.

"Let's get going," he says and moves her out of her cell. She had been here for almost a year. Her only choice of freedom again was to be put into another family.

She walked down the hall of the cells and each person for up to see her. "Well, well. Look who's leaving girls!" a girl named Gracie yelled, smiling as Paige passed. "When I get out of here Paige, I'm coming for you!" She yelled out in anger throwing her fist out of her cell. Paige knew that wasn't going to happen for a long time.

Grace was going to forget about her soon. See she may have the name Grace but she was anything but. The only thing you got from her was not grace but a beating. She wasn't afraid to get her hands dirty. So everyone called her Grease.

Paige had her own nickname too. Everyone called her Bones. She knew where every bone in your body was. Paige was smart and she knew where to hurt someone without killing them.

"Don't listen to them. They will forget before they even get out." Mathewson said. Paige just sighed and continued walking until she came to a stop.

Mathewson had to fill out paperwork before he could release her. When he was finished he had taken Paige's clothes into his hands. He turned to look at the girl and he knew she probably would be coming back.

"Alright. You are all set. Here are your clothes." he held them out and Paige reached for them. But he pulled them away. "But you have to promise me one thing, Paige."

She sighed once again. "What's that?" she asked getting a bit impatient. She was just ready to get out and leave. To never look back on this part of her life.

"Don't come back here. You need to change and these people are going to do that. But you have to at least try. You're a good kid, Paige." there was that word again. Change. She was going to have to change if she was going to make it through. But the thing is. She hated change.

"I'll try. But I can't keep promises that I will probably break." She said truthfully. She always told the truth. Unless you're a cop. She hates cops but Mathewson was okay in her book.

"Okay. Good enough. Hopefully, I don't see you around kid." he smiled at her. She then made a smile of her own. She was going to try. Not for herself but for her little brother who needed her. Noah was the only thing that kept her going in life. If it was up to her she would be dead in some garbage truck getting ready to be dumped.

He took the cuffs off her and let her go. She sighed and went to the bathroom putting her clothes on. Once she was done getting her black skinny jeans tank top and leather jacket back on she was ready to face her new family.

She saw two people in the front waiting. She knew that they were her new family. Paige made her way towards the tall white man and short black woman.

The woman had a short shirt on showing off her stomach. She had a nice body and Paige knew she was proud of it. Paige then rolled her eyes. "Great. Sex addicts," she whispered to herself. She put on a fake smile and before she could make it she felt a tug in her arm.

She turned and saw Dolores. Before she could say a sarcastic comment she was met with a punch to the face. Paige grunted as she felt her face burn. "Fuck!" she yelled as the cops took Delores away from Paige before she was killed.

"Oh shit! You alright?" The man asked Paige. She felt her bottom lip bleed and the woman sighed moving her way to Paige. She took Paige's face into her hands and saw it was just a small wound. It was fine. She didn't break any teeth.

"She's fine." The woman said placing her hands on her hips. "I'm guessing you're Paige?" she said with a bit of an attitude. She seemed like the type of person who could smell bullshit.

"Yes ma'am." She says and the woman nods looking at her. She then smiled and held her hand out.

"Well Paige my name's Veronica, just call me Vee. And this is my husband Kevin." Paige shook her hand.

"But you can call me just Kev," he says smiling. Paige smirked at him and took his hand shaking it.

"Okay. Just Kev and Vee." She said jokingly. Kevin laughed and slapped her back. This made Paige fly forward a bit. 

"I like her already," he says with a goofy smile. His brown hair was long and went to his shoulders. He had this goofy smile that made you smile as well.

Paige then knew. She was going to have to change. This was her chance to start over and find her brother. She was going to do it and this time she was going to try and find a family.


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