Chapter. 17

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Love had to be the one thing Paige needed. Adam gave that to her through each state they visited. She sang for them for a few songs. Nothing too big. Adam got signed a contract along with his band. They wanted Paige to go along but she said no.

After a long night of yelling back and forth at one another, Adam decided that he should just let her go. But he couldn't. He didn't want to. She was his heart. But her heart didn't love him back the way he did.

While Paige was listening to one of Adams songs about loving her, she knew that she was still in love with Lip. Her head kept spinning around and her heart was out of beat. She wondered why she kept seeing memories of him and her every time she hears this song.

Something's gotta give. That was the name. It was a cover from Camila Cabello. It was amazing. But Paige knew that she had to break in order to be fixed again. Lip was going to help her with that. She wanted that.

Paige without a word to Adam, other than a note by his bedside table and a kiss on his head, left the hotel room and grabbed her things taking a truck she had brought off a guy for a cheap price.

She left Adam to go home. It was time. After a year and a half, it was time for her to go home. She called Carl and Debbie and told them. They both sounded older, but they were still excited to see their sister again.

Paige had packed everything she had in her shared apartment and placed the boxes in her car. She didn't have a lot just I've boxes.

So she passed many states from California and finally made it to Chicago. Her heart was beating fast as her foot pressed on the break. She looked out the window and saw the house she started to grown to love. The two houses next to one another in the same world.

Paige stepped out of the truck and gently closed it. Her heart was beating fast as she stared at it more. She took one step forward and was stopped by a voice. "Paige?" Paige turned and saw Ian. He was so grown up and his hair looked crazy orange.

He smiled at her and dropped his bag and ran to her. She held her arms out as he slammed his body into hers and hugged her tightly. Carl and Debbie came out of the house to see what Ian was doing. Debbie had a baby with red hair hanging off her hip.

They saw Ian crying while he hugged the person Carl and Debbie couldn't see. But as Ian saw his siblings he let go and told Paige to turn. Paige turned around and both of them gasped.

"Hey, guys." She says and they both ran to her. Debbie more had to jog to her cause of Franny. Deebie and Carl hugged her tightly. Franny giggled at Paige pulling her hair a bit. Paige smiled.

"Who's this little one?" Paige asked when everyone pulled away. Debbie smiled and held her out for Paige to take her. Which she did. "Hello, little Franny." The baby with bright red hair and green eyes giggled as she tried to pull on her hair more. But Piage caught her hand before it could grab a strand.

"Deebie gave birth to her on the kitchen table," Ian says smiling. Paige was a little shocked. But not that shocked. This was the Gallaghers anything was possible.

"Well, I have to say. Ya are stupid. But ya made a very beautiful baby Deb's." Paige says to her. Debbie smiled at her words as she took Franny back. "Where's-"

"Lip?" Carl asked and Paige rubbed the back of her head. She wanted to say Fiona but she also wanted to say Lip too.

"Yeah." She says softly. Carl smiled brightly knowing that his brother was going to be happy again. Debbie was excited to see what was going to happen. While Ian was a bit worried. Lip may get angry.

"He's at work with Fiona. They should be back soon." Ian says looking down at his watch. Paige nods her head and she was about to enter the house when Vee came out of hers. She looked over and saw them but didn't pay attention. That was until she took a double take and saw Paige.

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