The Initial Awkward Moment

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Jason's POV

"Dude, she's hot," I heard Jake say. "Just do it already. Jason will go with you," he said, my throat collapsing as he said my name.

Of course he's going to say that. I've been wingman-ing the two for as long as I can remember. I suppose it was because I never really talked about the girl's I've liked and they probably think I'm gay. Besides, the one girlfriend Jake ended up with was "all because of me," as they've been ever so consistent in reminded me whenever I don't want to help out.

But that's besides the point. The point was, that this time, it wasn't just another aesthetically pleasing girl that had turned Drew on.

No. Of course it couldn't be that simple.

It was the girl I liked.

Looking back at it now, I probably should have said something, but a reason that I was his wingman so often was because I was more or less supporting in his obscure attempting to get a girlfriend expenditures. No matter what.

Though this time I shouldn't have been, as this was the first girl I ever really liked.

"Well, will you Jason?" Drew's voice interrupted my thoughts. I shook the thought of Angela's gray-green eyes out of my mind and stood up, ready to walk over to her, behind Drew. His question was less of a question and more of a command, an expectation for me to get up and go with him,

Wasn't like he's going after my girl, after all.

Oh wait, he kind of was.

Angela's POV

I was excited about that night. Girl's night just with my friends, our first organized get-together since the hectic schoolyear had started.

I had supposed this was the reason I hadn't seen Jason and Drew heading my way as I opened my locker, reaching for my English Literature textbook.

Even though I knew who Drew Molotov was, I couldn't remember ever actually having a conversation with him. Which was why I was shocked as his "hey."

"Hey," I replied, assuming I had the human obligation to reply even though I felt that everything about this situation was a bit off.

He leaned against the locker next to mine as I looked down at him, his height feeling relatively short to my mere five-foot-six frame. I shut my locker door and stole a quick glance at his friend Jason - noticing his green eyes.

"What's been up?" Drew continued, snapping me back to reality. The here, the now. Oh yea. The moment where I get hit on by a kid shorter than me while I wish it was his friend instead.

"Nothing much, you?" I answered, the "you" fading away, causing an uncertainty as to if Drew heard me or not. I wished he'd ask me a specific question, so that there'd be an actual conversation.

I saw Jason's eyebrows go up.

"What Drew is trying to say, erm, Angela-" Jason began to say, seeming to struggle to remember my very own name.

Drew cut him off - "How've you been?"

Drew's question inevitably caused me to wrinkle my brow, but again, the human obligation to answer was there, so I answered with a generic "pretty good, yourself?"

This time he heard me last word and said, "ahh, well, the same-old, besides getting turned on by avery sexy girl."

Jason and I exchanged glances. My eyebrows went skyrocketing and his furrowed.

"Ahh, okay," I said, which in hindsight was probably a very stupid thing to say.

Drew looked at me then, trying to get a sense of what I was thinking from my expression.

"Well, see you later," Drew said, switching his backpack to his other shoulder and turning to walk away. I managed a quick wave and turned the other way to English class.

Except I had to get one last look. Jason was walking down the hallway with Drew, shaking his head.

Which wasn't a contrasting gesture to what I was thinking, either.

I shook my head to myself as I walked to English class - joining up with my friend Heather on the way.

Jason's POV

It wasn't as choking as I had originally thought. A repeat of all his other girls, really.

Except with the twist that I had to watch Angela's gorgeous eyes dart back and forth from confusion this time.

I couldn't imagine what it was like for her. I knew for a fact that Drew hadn't previously had a conversation with her, and I'd talked to her for maybe two minutes during Algebra class, once. Maybe. My instincts told me she thought Drew was dumb, or awkward. Possibly both, especially looking at their height difference.

My mind, though, kept telling me how much better I would be for Angela than Drew. And it wasn't just the height thing, either.

Though it definitely wasn't the first time I'd wished I told Drew and Jake about one of my crushes, but boy, if I only had the chance to do it once, I'd say something about Angela specifically. Not any other girl.

But it was too late now, and all I could possibly hope is wait and pray that Drew finds another girl to chase after.

In the meantime, though, I could use it as an excuse to talk to her in Algebra class. At least I'd get something out of it this time.

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