Girl's Night Out

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Here's another update. Sorry it's been so long! Remember, if you like it, please comment and vote! (:



Angela’s POV

Initially, I didn’t tell Heather about my episode with Drew. Though I know I probably should’ve, I knew she’d ask me questions even I didn’t know the answer to.

I guess it was because I needed to think first. As much as I wanted to say I like Drew for the simplicity of it, I didn’t – Jason had plagued my mind long before that after a brief encounter in Algebra class.

Girl’s night out wasn’t a total bust though. Mexican food plus my friends always equals a good time. However, the thought of what happened before English class provided a distraction from our conversation.

“And I was all upset and frustrated because I worked hard on that assignment! She loved the lab write-up, but I missed the part where you’re supposed to explain what you’re doing and why. Why am I even taking Chemistry? Pft, because it’s required, not because I’m going to use it in my career, or anything,” Jaime said, a chorus of “mm-hmm’s” following from the rest of the group.

Heather looked at me then, surprised I didn’t say anything about Jaime’s comment on Chemistry. “You alright, Angela?”

I snapped out of my trance of Jason vs. Drew. “Yeah, I’m fine.”

“I don’t believe you,” Chantal said, “You haven’t barely said a word all night.”

“ ‘Haven’t barely’ is a double negative,” I said, taking a drink of my ice water.

“Yeah? Well correcting my grammar isn’t answering my question truthfully.” Chantal then said, setting her fork down and looking at me.

“I’m fine! It’s nothing really,” I said, avoiding their gaze, too lazy to explain why it was such a bigdeal. I didn’t even know why it was.

“Really,” I repeated after getting a glance and an eyebrows-up “are you sure?” look from Chantal. 

Jaime continued her rant about Chemistry then, and the question of whether or not I was alright never came up again.

*     *     *

Later that night, as I was climbing into Heather’s mom’s SUV, the inevitable happened.

"Dude," Heather spoke. "What the heck is up? And don't give me the 'I'm fine' crap either."

"Not much," I said, aiming to explain as little as possible. "Something that happened yesterday, it's nothing."

"You're such a liar sometimes," she said, pushing for it. "What happened?"

Apparently I was more out of it than I realized. "You know Drew Molotov, right?"

"Uh," Heather thought for a bit. "Yeah, I think so. Short-ish, long dark hair, brown eyes? Looks almost like a male version of Andrea Hoffarth?"

I laughed. He did look like a male version of Andrea. The eyes, the hair, and smile anyway.

"Yeah, that's the one."

"So what about him?" she asked. Her mother pulled out of the parking lot.

I paused. "He hit on me last night." I let out a breath. Well, at least she knew now.

She took a deep intake of breath, and then said, "Oh my God! Are you serious? You guys would be perfect for each other!"

I wrinkled my brow, the image of the two of us walking down the hallway in my mind. My first thought was thinking about our height difference, and the second was that I hoped Jason would be there too.

"Er...yeah," I said, still thinking about it.

"Eep!" she squealed. "Ah, the perfection of a couple never existed at this high school prior!" Sometimes, I thought, she got a little caught up in her almost-obsession with romance novels. "So what was it like?"

I glanced at her in the semi-dark of the SUV. "What was what like?"

"When he hit on you! Duh! God!" Heather replied, fluffing out her hair, as if expecting a story.

"Well," I swallowed. "He was kinda-" I paused. What exactly did I feel? "Awkward. Definitely awkward."

"Wait wait wait," Heather said, speaking ten times faster than I had been. "Cutely, nerdily awkward? Or weird little-kid awkward?"

More like cocky awkward. Expecting me to fall for just a little bit of conversation, like the swoon was already there, I said to myself. "Uh...cutely awkward. I guess," I decided to say, unsure of the effect it would bring.

Heather's face shone then, her smile huge.

"I think we have you a boyfriend," she spoke, quietly and hushed.

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