Missing More

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I couldn't help but smile at the thought that I'm on my way back, back home to my girl. No flight delays nor long luggage queues or even heavy traffic could ruin my happy and giddy mood otherwise.

I've been blabbering in my thoughts for endless hours now as to how much I miss my baby and as cheesy as it may sound, but I truly miss her, I really do.

I heartwretchingly do.

I didn't realize that being away from Maine would have this much effect on me.

It's like something has gone wrong that I couldn't figure out, like solving a mystery but still remains clueless, like loosing that last important piece of the puzzle, like trying to remember your password but couldn't, like there's something missing in your whole being but you don't know what, like knowing I exist - but not feeling alive at all.

Like all things is connected to her...
all that I could ever think about is her...
everything that I do is for her...

All there is about me... is about her.

Even the choice to pursue my dream is senseless if I don't have her with me to share it with...

My phone beeped breaking my train of thought.

A signal... finally!

It's a voicemail from Maine...

She's... She's WHAT?!... OH NO!!!

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