Chapter 1: Finally

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I was staring at my cake with a smile on my face as my parents and brother were singing the typical "Happy Birthday" song. "Make a wish", mom said, and so I did. I closed my eyes and made the same wish I've been making for the past eleven years, which was to be normal and attend a normal high school, since I was home schooled for most of my life. I scanned my family's faces, all three were smirking, and they were definitely up to something.

It was time to open my presents. I sat on the couch, and they gathered around me. My brother, Finn, handed me his, first. "Happy Seventeenth", he said while hugging me. I opened the small box and found a simple yet beautiful diamond necklace. I grinned as thoughts of how sweet he is were filling my brain. He really is the best, he's been there whenever I needed him, cheesy I know, but honestly, he's my guardian. I remember when I was bullied, at just seven years old, the first week of school, when all the kids were either insulting and beating me up or running away from me and pretending I didn't exist. Thankfully, Finn was there, he was my shoulder to cry on and my moral support. "Thank you so much", I screamed with joy, making my dog jump, which made us all laugh. "Our turn", said both of my parents. I looked at their hands, waiting for them to hand me something, but they were empty. I was confused. "I know, there's nothing there", dad said, "this present isn't, umm, tangible. It's more of a..", "Oh dammit, Charles, stop teasing her and just tell her already", mom told him. "Alright, alright. So, we know you've wanted this for years, and you haven't stopped nagging about it. And since Finn is leaving, we can actually afford it now". Dad paused and looked at mom, then both announced at the same time: "You're going to, finally, attend Riverdale High School." My mouth opened wide, I was in utter shock. "Holy shit", I yelled and started dancing around the room. "Everly, language", mom warned me, but then continued "I'll let this one pass." I gave my parents the tightest hug, and then started dancing again, with my family joining me. "Hang on, when do I start?", I asked. "Next week", mom answered, "but don't worry, we've got it all sorted out, your backpack and uniform are ready. Oh and your cousin, Codie, also goes to that school, so you won't be alone. You haven't met her yet but I can assure you that she's welcoming."

A week has past, surprisingly fast. I was waiting impatiently for this day. I was so excited that I woke up a few minutes before my alarm went off. I got dressed, and went down to have my usual breakfast: cereal and milk. I was almost done with my food when my brother sat at the table. "You're up early", he said with a deep morning voice, "Big day, aye?" I nodded as I put my plate in the sink. "I'm quite trepidatious. What if I get bullied again", I paused, "You won't be here, this time", I continued in a low voice. "You'll be fine. High schoolers are more mature, and even if you did, you're strong, and you still have me, not as close physically, but we could Skype or something." I felt a bit more relieved. I was about to exit the kitchen when he said "By the way, where on earth did you learn this new fancy vocab word, trepidatious?" We chuckled. "I've been.. studying. First impression is key, right?" We both knew my answer wasn't relevant, but whatever. He shrugged and I went upstairs to do my last minute preparations, like makeup and brushing my teeth.

After half an hour of waiting anxiously for the bus to arrive, I heard a honking noise. It was time. I ran down the stairs, almost tripping. I was so nervous that I couldn't feel my legs. I said my goodbyes and exited the house. I stood right in front of the yellow vehicle and thought to myself "My first ever bus ride, alone yet surrounded by a dozen of students." I looked at the windows to see the people's reactions, but they were tinted. So, there was only one way to find out if I was truly normal or a freak. All I had to do was enter the bus. I slowly walked towards the door, and took a deep breath as I stepped in.

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