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Mannn I told Shaniya I wasn't in the mood for this shhit today. Now she got arrested. I know its not cool to let nobody disrespect you but damn its like every time she ready to fight. 1 day she gone meet her match & its not gonna be pretty. I watched as the police car drove off. Fucck now I gotta go bail her wanna be bad asss out. I started walking toward my car. Fucck the money Im about to bail her out with is my weed money. I smoked atleast 9 times a week.

Davin asked if he could go with me & I said yeah. We got in the car I went home went to my stash & got my money then we headed to the jail. When we got there I got her out but they said she have to be back in a week to go to court. We all got in the car & was headed home. It was silent until..

Shaniya: Later can I hold yo car to go to the mall?

Me: Is that really what yo dumb ass thinking about right now. I just dropped 2 stacks for yo lil stupid ass to get out now you 16 with a rap sheet.

Shaniya: I'm not stupid & I didn't ask you to give me no money I just asked to hold the car

Me: You are stupid & petty af you need to stop letting petty shit annoy yo dumb ass if you just let shit go you wouldn't be fighting all the fuccking time !

Shaniya: Alright Shawn whatever


Ugh now I gotta get lectured by Shawn. All I wanted to do was go to the mall & get more shoes because I had blood on my other ones damn. I didn't even think it was that serious. To be perfectly honest after the first round I wasn't gonna fight her no more but then that bitcch spit on me & my mind went blank. But whatever I'm over these bitcches ima try to do what Shawn said & not let petty shiit get to me but its gonna be hard. We got home I went str8 to my bathroom & got in the shower I just stood there letting the hot water hit my body I bathe then got out wrapped myself in my towel & just layed in the bed thinking about what my brother said I'm really gonna try to change I'm gonna try my best. I dozed off & when i woke up it was like 11pm I was hungry so i went downstairs to find something to eat. I made myself a grill cheese sandwhich I grabbed some hot chips & some juice & went back to my room. I ate watched some TV & when i looked at the clock it was already 12:15am. I decided that im not going to school tomorrow ima just go to the mall. I went to sleep again. I woke up went downstairs & I seen Shawn.

Me: Im not going to school today.

Shawn: Why not?

Me: I need a break. Im trying to follow your advice & chill out sooo in order for me to do that ima just stay home & get my head together.

Shawn: Mm alright Ms. Soulsearcher we'll see if you change.

& With that he walked out the door. I went upstairs took a shower did my hair up on some clothes then I was off to the mall. I had to catch the bus cause Shawn of course took his car.

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