Chapter 1: Arrival

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Code for the Chapter:
(Y/n) = Your name
(Y/l/n)= your last Name
(Y/n) POV
"Ugh I need a break! I'm off! I'll be probably back at sunset" I announced and closed the door before my mom had time to protest.
She didn't liked me going someplace she didn't knew. I never told her where I was going. It was my secret. The Truffula forest was normally too far away to just go there for 5 minutes or longer but i had found that I could drastically shorten the way if I just hopped over the fence and travested our neighbors humongous garden. After that I only needed to cross a hedge and voila: 30min of way spared.
I went to my fave tree. It was the smallest of all them but I felt a deep connection to her. I had built a little rustical tree house on her,which the lorax,a fuzzy orange creature with a heck of a pride, first disaprooved,thinking I used the wood I used to built the house with, was from Truffula trees. Luckily he had allowed it,when he saw that I was bringing the wood from my home and he even said that the trees surely would appreciate having some company. It wasn't much. It was just a little place where I could rest and have a little privacy,while offering some opportunitys for me to keep things safe that I didn't wanted to take with me and bring it back everytime. A blanket,some books that kind of stuff. It was my own secret little paradise. I took my phone and matching headphones out of my bag and turned on a song. I started humming along,then singing the lyrics proudly. I somehow attracted some barbaloots and they started dancing and singing along to my tune. The animals were frankly the only creatures,I wasn't afraid to sing infront. We jammed till the song was over and then I turned it back on. And again. And again. And again. We sung till our lungs hurt and we collapsed laughing on the bright green Gras. Man I loved this place. Suddenly I heard a faint clapping. "Nice to see you too,miss '(Y/l/n)'" the lorax came out of nowhere!
" hey treewhisperer! I told you not to call me that!"
I roll my eyes at the fluffy guy. He was like a the big brother I'd never had.  AND THATS WHY IT FEELS COMPLETLY WRONG WHEN HE CALLS ME BY MY LAST NAME!!! I took my sketchbook out and drew a quick sketch of the lorax all fluffed up. "There!! That's how you'll look if you keep calling me miss!"I shoved it in his direction and he took a sceptical look.
" and how do you plan to manage that?"
"I have my ways" I smirked,already planning the crime: All I needed was some water and warm air. Suddenly a new voice interrupted our bickering.
"Melvin this is the place!!" I rushed up to my tree house like a bolt to hide,not wanting to risk loosing my secret hideaway.
From the safety of the height I observed the newcomer. He was tall and had ravenblack hair,which contrasted with his pale skins and big cute eyes.Did I just thought that he was Cute? Crap.
"This guy needs to" I mouthed silently.
He started chopping down a tree by the time I was finished with a plan to get him to go. It was the tree right next to me. I was lucky it didn't fell onto me.
"Oh no he didn't!"  I prepared myself to give this guy a kick in the butt right outta this natural paradise,but had to forcely calm myself not wanting to do something brash. This marshmallow-loving beanpole was a whole lot bigger than me after all.
"Did you chop down this tree?" I hadn't heard the Lorax angry,since the wood incident.
I slowly and very carefully to not make any sound,looked in my inventory what could help me to get rid of this guy,without him seeing me.  The most useful thing I found was a Blanket made out of Truffula Tufts. I dismissed my books as being to precious to serve as kamikaze bombs. I stroked the Blanket one last time,not knowing what would happen to it.
"Alas,one has to make sacrifices"
I searched eyecontact with the lorax and we winked at each other knowing what I was about to do.
When the Beanpole was right under my tree I threw the blanket onto him and the lorax tackled him.
I came down to see the guy covered under the blanket,struggling to free himself out of the lorax's fierce grip.
1:0 team nature.

I used the Time to take a look at his cottent. "The Onceler's".neat.
"So what do we do with him?" I asked.
In that moment the beanpole,presumably the Onceler,broke free. He was breathing heavily. If it was because of the struggle or because of not getting enough air,I'm not sure.
" WHAT IS WRONG WITH YOU?!" He pressed out rather loudly and pointed at the lorax.
"Where did that thing even come from?!" He obviously didn't notice me. I slowly moved in the direction of the tree house.
"Knack" Crap. I accidentally stepped on a old stick and blew my cover. He turned around like a bolt.
He just stood there,for an eternity,staring at me like I had suddenly grown cat ears. Probably because I was the first Human he had seen here. Hopefully because of that. What if I gotten chocolate on my mouth? Did I brush my hair today? Those and other questions rushed through my head. Why do I even care? 
He was still staring.
" I think you broke him. Good job" the Lorax was the first to say something.
" You know exactly that was not my intent!" I responded a bit angry even.
That finally snapped the Onceler out of his trance.
"..." he inhaled air like he was going to say something but the sentence never came.
"Do you think we can just grab and dump him at the town?" The lorax asked.
" Can't do. It's better if he doesn't know the way back.Plus:He is too heavy!" I looked at the Onceler like he was a product,which I didn't knew if I really needed.
"Hey!!" The Onceler sounded mad and confused.
"Look he speaks again" I pointed at the beanpole with relief,while picking out my blanket and examining it.
" Woah woah woah! Who are you?! Did you drop the blanket?"
Funny, that was very similar to what the Lorax had asked him earlier. I decided to have a little fun with it.
I gasped.
"Hey what's that?!" Of course he looked. Heh. Falls for his own tricks. I threw my blanket onto the lorax.
" I think it was him!" I pointed at the surprised Lorax.
"Are you mocking me? But you weren't even there!!" He sounded very confused.
"And you are too small" he added that last part smirking.
" I have my ways and I would choose rather to be my height than a beanpole anyday" I returned the smirk.
" are you two hateflirting?!" This time the gasp was real. How could the Lorax say such a thing?! He knew I wanted beanpole as much gone as he did!
" SHUT UP!! NOW I WILL TURN YOU INTO A FURRY BALL!!" I screamed going after the lorax. He started running around beanpole's tent pulling out the pegs,only for the Onceler to hammer them back in. I didn't care I just wanted that orange's head.
"You realize that you are not denying it! Right?!"he kept running like he had no plan to slow down.
I picked up some speed.
"Oh I just thought that the sentence is already a paradoxon itself so I don't have to explain anything"
If a passenger had seen us they would have probably thought that we were nuts: A little orange creature running from two humans (mostly from the smaller of them since beanpole only wanted for his tent to be intact) always running around a strange cottent like house.
It could be worse.

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