Chapter 7:Once

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A/N: Short chapter but it had reached a Perfect end
Also I am particpating in the wattys2017!
Plus I am currently writing a Harry Potter FanFiction so Yeah..would be Great of you to Check it out! (Shameless publicity xD)
One Last thing: to Not spam you with A/Ns and Randomness, I created a Book called "writers blog" where you can get a view behind the scenes ;)
And now on with the show!

(S/p)=sleep position

I grabbed Lorax and dunked him in the warm water.
"Huh..wha...what's happening?" He sprouted,I covered his eyes. "You are just dreaming..." I whispered and felt his body relaxing and then he started snoring again. That worked?
"He did ask a valid question though..what are you doing?!" Onceler honestly looked a bit freaked out. "Getting,my fluffy,fluffy revenge" I grinned and laid the Lorax into the Grass and carefully put a Leaf onto his eyes. Now I only needed the Sun to do it's work...
I found the sketch of the Lorax all fluffeld up in my pocket.
I shoved it to the Onceler.
He eyed it curiously and then started laughing. Louder
And louder his laugh thundered over the forest. He lost balance and continued laughing on the floor. I just stood there indignated.
What was his problem?!
"Done yet?" I growled rolling my eyes,
"Oh (Y/N) you sure are..Hahaha..uniquely adorable!!" I just stood there mouth open with wide eyes,blushing madly. I was completely confused. Nobody ever called me adorable! What did he mean by it? How is wanting fluffy revenge adorable? I crossed my Arms and eyed him.
"!" I Asked him Sternly. He just laughed. "You just are!"he laughed then smirking he Bend down."could have Anything to do with you beeing so smal!"
I growled in response."you are so Lucky You saved my life" actually I am,but thats beside the Point. He shook his Head smiling."just teasing!"
I generously let it slip. "You better be beanpole!"
I immidiatly regretted that comment. It felt below the belt to call him the nickname,i had called him before I looked to the side...gosh I went from aggressive to akward when around him! In an Attempt to Not Look at him I sat on Edge of the gras,legs dipped in the water,pouting.I yawned,feeling suddenly very tired. The warm water relaxed my tired Muscles and I felt very cozy Inside. I could just sleep on the spot. But i didn't wanted to! This was my first feels-like-sleepover since a Long time!
"(Y/N)..why don't you ever called me by my name?" he broke the silence with a completely different but not-less-akward question. I lowered my eyes in response.
"The Onceler" what kind of Name is that?! I mean,wouldn't "the" be technically his first name? What kind of parents calls their child that? But on the other side,they also don't support their child so maybe that's the least of his parent-problems.
"The Onceler"
I dunno,just doesn't sound like a Name to me. But I can't tell him that. It sounds like an insult.
"You don't have to answer if you don't want to" he akwardly added,backing up from the question,thanks to my long silence.
It was either lying or saying you don't like his name. Either way you had to answer now before the awkwardness reached new levels.
"Ijustdon'tlikeyournameI'msosorrypleasedon'ttakeitasaninsult!!" I blurted out. He looked astounded by this number of words in 4 seconds.
"I just like giving you nicknames" I wasn't lying. I like giving him nicknames because i don't like his name.
He had a questioning Look on his face.
"For example?"
Oncie,Tall O, celler, Once...Once sounded good!!
"What about...Once?"
"I actually like that one" he sounded a bit surprised but not in the bad way. I stood up making myself as Big as possible.
"Then,it is settled,from
Now thou shall be named Once!!"
He chuckled.
"Thee are so articulated ,(Y/N)"
I smile and sit on the Soaking Bed,on the Grass. I Pat it slightly."Looks like you won't be able to sleep Here.." I hung my Head and frown slightly at the thought of our Little Journey on it.
"It's ok" he smiles reassuring and stretches.
"I'll sleep on the Couch"
"I really wish you hadn't to"
He shrugs. "No offense (Y/N) but I'll Turn in for the Night" he yawns in between the sentence.
"O-of Course!!" Why did he think that that would offend me?
I pack my things(aka. The Lorax) and Follow him. I needed to ran a bit to catch up to him but we Soon walk beside One another.
"You know you can Crash at my Place" he suddenly offered. My eyes widen.
I knew he only meant well,but I have been dying to try to sleep in my Treehouse.
"It Sounds lovely but I already have somewhere to sleep.Thanks"
He looked unsatisfied with that answer but had no counterargument. We reached my Treehouse/his cottent.
I smile.
"Good Night Once"
"Sleep well (Y/N)"
Eben though we had already Said Our Farwells for tonight,we still stood there. I was fighting with myself if I should hug him or Not. It is a normal friend-thing to do right? Right?
But are we Even Friends? I mean we only knew each other for One Day/Night!! But I Trust him.I sighed and took a Step forward. Really doing this...I ran up to him as if my Intention was to Tackle instead of hug and closed my Arms around him. After about 3 second in I released him and ran as quick as possible up my Treehouse without looking back.
I just lay There thinking about today. It definetly Seemed longer than just 24 Hours. First his arrival,then Mom,then near-death-hijinx and then...Friendship? That word Seemed so Big,so Important,so dear to me, I was afraid to use it. If only there was a Friendship-Barometer of some sort...But who would be judging? I changed my Position to as if to scare These weird complicated thoughts away.Instead,I Layed on my (s/p) and snuggled deeper in my sleeping-bag. My eyes felt banging with sleepiness and my thoughts became,Slower and simpler Until I Felt myself being Dragged into a Deep peaceful sleep.

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