Chapter 1

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It was Monday morning and the start of a new year at a new school .  I sighed as I walked up to my new school . Little did I know I would soon be apart of the school .

It was my first class ( science ) I sat next to this boy named jimin and this girl named carin . "Hi I'm carin you must be new " said carin " oh and that is jimin " said carin " hi my name is amber " I said " nice to meet you " said carin

I couldn't help but notice that jimin looked so adorable but , I didn't want to make it noticeable.

So , as I was walking down the hallway I saw carin . " hey carin " I said " hey amber " said carin . We wee in the line to go into math when I saw jimin had the same class too , I was nervous about it at first but, I soon began to know jimin we became very good friends .

Carin and jimin and I went to the park after school on Friday . That's when everything took a turn . " bye guys I gotta go , she ya tomorrow " said carin " ok bye " jimin and I said

" hey how about I walk you home " said jimin  " sure " I said . So , we were walking home and we came to a stop . "did you know you have beautiful eyes " said jimin " oh , thanks " I said " I ... " and before I could Finnish , jimin kissed me . " would you like to be my girlfriend " said jimin . Without thinking " sure " i said .

The next day carin walked up to me and said " so it is official now " . " ya , I guess you could say that " said amber . I was in line for science and jimin walked  up behind me and gave me a big back hug . " hi jimin " I said " hi amber " said jimin . We walked into class and I sat next to jimin , carin and this dude named Kim namjoon , he was nice and I'm not gonna lie kinds cute . We became close friends we would talk often and would hang out often .

It wasn't until the next day that I started having feelings for rap monster  but , I knew it wasn't right for me to like jimin and rap monster . I didn't want to hurt jimin but , I couldn't control my feelings for rap monster.

" hi amber " said jimin " h..I " I said . After school I went over to jimin house .
"what is wrong amber "
" nothing "
" come on , what's going on "
" why do you think something is wrong"
" you haven't been acting the same "
" I... "
" come on tell me what's wrong "
" I ' m just don't feel good "
I just couldn't tell him , I could see him hurt .

" well if your tired , I'll be here with you" . " you can go to sleep I will be here with you if you need anything "

Jimin has been great for as
Long as I can remember , I knew that what I was doing wasn't right . I knew I had to tell him .

Yours forever / bts / rap monsterWhere stories live. Discover now