Chapter 10: Teenage Hormones

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A/N: Sorry my fellow Rushers, I know I've been updating much slower than usual and that us all due to school. so hopefully you guys understand and enjoy this chapter. don't forget to vote and comment!

Chapter 10: Teenage Hormones

It made no sense. The more Kendall thought about it, the less sense it made.

He retreated to the only place he could go to for quiet concentration, the beach, and, as always, the time alone was doing wonders for him. Still, though, he was unsure of what was or was not unfolding around him. Logan and Jo made no sense. The whole conclusion that he'd come to made no sense. The thought of Logan somehow trying to make a stealth move on Jo behind his back, then lying about it to his face? It was silly! It was ludicrous! The whole thing was so not like Logan that Kendall couldn't help but crack a smile when he tried to imagine Logan as this suave, debonair panty-dropper.

Suave and a suit...with his black hair slicked back...with a come-hither look on his face...

But still. Kendall had seen with his own eyes Logan leaving Jo's apartment. But that could have been anything, right? Something totally innocent, right? Maybe Logan and Jo were planning a surprise party for him. That would make sense. His birthday had already passed...his anniversary with Jo was still months away...but people gave random surprise parties for no reason all the time...right?

Or maybe Jo had asked for Logan's help with math or science or something like that. That would make sense. Yeah, they'd all just graduated from the Palm Woods school, and Jo had no intentions of ever doing anything academic ever again, was a possibility, right?

Or maybe Logan had wanted to see Jo for some acting tips! That had to be it! Logan had mentioned something about acting once or twice in the past. His total lack of interest in it, of course. But maybe he had changed his mind!

It was very possible that Logan had gone to apologize for the Michelle stuff. He was such a push-over. Jo attacking him and making him feel responsible for Michelle's night obviously made him want to apologize for it, and so that's what he'd gone to do. And, maybe, Logan had also asked if he could see Michelle again. Or another one of Jo's friends.

It could have been something else, though. What if Logan had gone to Jo to tell her talk to her about something that he really needed to talk to someone - anyone - about? Kendall didn't want to believe that. Though they'd never talked about it themselves, he and Logan had silently vowed with their eyes to never tell anyone about certain things...certain moments...and Logan would never betray that unspoken trust, would he?

No, Kendall thought. No.

He refused to believe Logan's visit with Jo was anything but innocent. Maybe Logan just wanted to borrow a cup of sugar, for goodness's sake! Something stupid and silly and foolish and mundane, and Kendall was wracking his brain and throwing around all of these theories for nothing. But Logan didn't have a cup of sugar in his hand when he was leaving Jo's place...

Kendall, never one to bullshit around, took his phone out of his pocket and began to call Jo. All he had to do was ask her, and she'd tell him, and that would be the end of it. He'd even tell her that, for a second, he'd thought she and Logan were having some kind of clandestine affair. They'd laugh at the ridiculousness of it all, and then he'd suggest they make up for the date they'd missed the night before. As always, everything would work out.

Except the phone just kept ringing...and ringing...and ringing.

Still, though! That didn't have to mean anything! Logan would be just as good as Jo at calming him down and getting him to see that he'd been worried for nothing. Logan would tell him, and Kendall would laugh, and yes, Kendall would even tell Logan about his wild little assumption, and they'd laugh. They'd make plans to continue their day of "best friend bonding" by relaxing by the pool and checking out random Palm Woods hotties.

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