Chapter 15: Secrets and Lies

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A/N: Yeah no school! so time to update! Thank you guys for you feedback it's really helps! hope you enjoy and please don't forget to vote and comment! Dedicated to KCoverGirl247

Chapter 15: Secrets and Lies

"I really thought I told you to knock before ever coming in here," Kendall said as his precocious little sister entered and closed the door behind her.

"Knock?" she asked. "Why should I knock? It's not like I'll ever catch you and Logan doing anything shocking. Or would I?"

Kendall groaned. "Look, if that's what you came to talk about, you might as well just turn right around." The last thing he needed now was her buzzing in his ear, telling him what he needed to do and how to do it.

Katie had discovered Kendall's secret back when they were kids in Minnesota. As was typical, she'd actually figured it out before Kendall had. At first, she just saw Logan as her big brother's dorky friend with the big glasses, but as time went on, she began to observe them a little more closely. At night, her mother would tell her what it meant to have true love - someone you could talk to about anything for hours, someone you could sit in silence with for just as long, someone who made you smile immediately, someone who put your happiness above their own - and the little girl just could not shake the feeling that all of those things, those amazing attributes of true love, were present in her brother's relationship with his best friend. Of course, she'd only been a child then, so her mind wasn't completely wired to distinguish between love and friendship, but by the time they'd moved to California, she was sure of it. So sure, in fact, that when she and Kendall had gone to the beach alone, she had decided to just ask. What had ensued was an hour of Kendall crying on her shoulder, telling her everything about how he felt for Logan and why he was scared to death of saying anything. Katie had promised to never tell a soul, but at the same time, she would never miss an opportunity to tell Kendall just how silly she thought he was for keeping it all bottled up. The way she saw it, he was totally in love with someone who so obviously felt the same way. There was no need for secrets and lies, for repressed feelings and emotions. All he had to do was tell Logan, and they'd be happy forever.

But she knew and understood why Kendall had his fears. She'd been young when their father had bolted, but she could still remember his temper and his stubbornness, and the way he would fly off the handle over the littlest things. She could recall the yelling that would come from Kendall's bedroom...and the red marks that would appear on his body in the morning. She sympathized with him, and she would never force him to do anything he wasn't ready for, but at the same time, she didn't want to see him live the rest of his life in secret misery. As much as they fought and fussed, deep down - maybe not that deep - she loved him with all of her heart, and she just wanted him to be okay. And if being okay meant she had to be a little bitch, then a little bitch she would be.

She inched over to the window, where an intense beam of sunlight almost blinded her. She'd been watching Kendall over the last week, and she'd easily detected that he was having a "Logan spell" again. Every few months, he'd get overcome with feelings for Logan, and the only way he could control them was by avoiding him and neglecting their friendship. Katie always took this as her sign to step in and try to knock some sense into him while she could.

"What do you want?" Kendall asked as he eased up into a seated position on his bed.

"I want to talk about you and Logan," she answered maturely.

"Well, like I said, the door is that-a-way," he pointed. He meant it that he wasn't going to have this conversation with her today. If she had just a moment to pick his brain and get inside his psyche, she could have made him do anything she wanted him to do.

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