~I always loved you~ Part 4

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Shivay: anika at least listen to me.. just for once..
To which she just nodded & he took a deep breath and closed the door of his room & suddenly anika jumped into fear & thought to herself "oh bête ki..what he is about to do? Something like which happens in English movie" Shivay comes near her and she is almost shivering...
He kneels down and she was shocked to see this and he said "Anika I know..I know I was always wrong, I did a lot of stuff which I should not, I forcefully married u,i blackmailed u and I always said something so hurtful which turned u into pieces but I never apologized.. I never did.. because of my ego I always thought that it was okay..bol dia toh kya hua.. but today I want to apologize to u.. anika I am sorry (he touches his ears like a school kid used to apologize Infront of teacher) she immediately hold him from his shoulder and told him to stand up.. she said 'shivay aap.. please aap.' Nd he cuts her conversation in middle and continues saying "I love you anika, now family(khoon khandaan) prestige,lineage doesn't matter to me at all.. I love you anika.." Her eyes were moist and a smile come on her face,she was about to run from there when he holds her from her waist Nd planted a kiss on her neck and she shivered from shame & love and he claimed that he knows that she loves him too.. and she again rebelled and said"ji no" but her blush is one of the biggest proof that she is lying. She wants to get rid of his grip and he doesn't let her go.. he again kissed her at her back nd she moaned and turned Infront of him..just smiled and hugged him tightly.. to which he hugged her as he won something very precious. She doesn't want him to know what his presence matters to him Nd she doesn't even said anything but alas her actions are her proof that she is in love. Madly Nd deeply t@ߕ&

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