I always loved you! Part 25

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As soon as rathore shoots, anika come between and she got hit. blood started flowing down by her chest.
Everyone rushed towards the hospital,anika breathing heavily,shivay is continuously shouting"wakeup anika, wakeup" and she is hardly responding.
Doctors took her at the emergency ward, started operating her for the operation.
Shivay standing outside the room, he is standing expression less like a corpse body pale and without any life. His eyes are stuck over the doctors then nurses just to know is his anika is fine?
Doctor came out of the operation room and said " she lost a lot of blood,we urgently need AB+ now. Ishana says she can donate the blood, as she is her real sister. She went with nurses.
Meanwhile, Shivay was sitting with OmRu and just humming only her name.
OmRu now is tensed for Shivay. He is just not saying anything expect her name.But what doctors said then broke Shivay into pieces, he cried openly. The Shivay singh oberoi cried openly Infront of everyone, pledging for her life. He touched doctor feet and said "save my anika doctor, save her..I can't live without her"
OmRu hold him up.
Dr: it's very serious case now. Mrs anika is two weeks pregnant and it's difficult for us to save both of them now. We can't say anything else.
Pray for her.
Rudra continuously consoles Shivay.
Shivay blames himself, he should be careful,they took rathore easily. They should be more careful.
Ishana hears everything from the corner and Om went to her.
She broke in his arms.



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