Chapter 16: Jail

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Jack twiddled his thumbs in anxiety as he waited nervously in the waiting room while a vending machine opposite the ripped sofa,that he was sitting on, buzzed loudly and annoyingly.

It was a badly lit waiting room with next to no heating and he had been waiting for what seemed hours.
"Mr McLoughin?" A male guard approached him.
"Yes? Can I see him? Please, I know he's dangerous, let me see him." Jack hated resorting to begging but he had to see Mark.

"We need to ask you some questions first, maybe they'll let you see him for five minutes but I doubt it. Follow me." The guard turned and started going through many corridors, Jack nearly had to run to catch up with the man.

They entered a small office which was completely grey and black, the seats, bookcases and even the man sitting on the other side of the desk appeared grey and dusty. His many wrinkles were enhanced by his grey skin and his Arstotzkan police uniform looked ancient.

"Sean McLoughin, roomate of Mark Fischbach?" He croaked. He signalled for the guard to leave and motioned to Jack to take a seat.
"Uh...yes." Jack said, awkwardly.
"Do you know why Mark decided to attack 5 innocent people, the ministry force and proceeded then to run?" He glared at Jack like he expected an immediate answer.

Jack decided against telling the officer about the thing the monster the creature said. The officer wouldn't believe him anyway.
Instead he shook his head. "-no-no. He's always such a friendly and peaceful guy!"
"Do you know what could have caused said behaviour?"
Jack thought hard but then remembered back to this morning...or it could have been yesterday, Jack had no idea how many hours had passed since he had run from the flat to stop Mark. He glanced around to see a clock, it was close to midnight.

"His father died earlier this morning. He was very emotional about it." He said, slowly, thinking about how Mark had cried. The old officer rifled around for some papers on his desk before pulling out a single sheet and studying it.
"I see. And Mark works at the ministry it says here. Why didn't he show up on his first day yesterday?"
"I have no idea." Jack said, truthfully, because Mark couldn't remember and Jack hadn't a clue.

"Please, officer, may I see him?" Jack pleaded.
"He's a very dangerous man, McLoughin." The officer raised an eyebrow. "He's definitely going to be tried for his behaviour."
"Please...I have to speak to him..."

The officer leaned back in his creaky grey chair and thought for a moment.
"Alright. But only for five minutes." He sighed, he clicked his fingers and suddenly a guard was behind Jack.
"Take this gentleman to Fischbach, but don't open the cell, whatever you do!"
Jack's legs were getting tired from walking and running, not to mention he was starving, he hadn't eaten all day. But he managed to go down to the cells where the guard led him to one of the many barred rooms which all looked the same, with a bed and a toilet, that was it, no light, nothing, and you could smell the dampness. All of the cells were full of people either sitting on their bed with no emotion or banging onto the walls screaming.

As Jack reached the bars of the cell he was being led to, he saw Mark sitting on the edge of the bed with his hands pressed to his face.
"Unfortunately I can't let you in, sir, but I'll give you a little privacy for a few moments." The guard backed off and stood in the corner and lit a cigarette.

"Mark." Jack whispered through the bars. Mark looked up and saw Jack and rushed towards him.
"Jack - Jack - what the hell is going on?" He said in a husky voice. "All I remember is dad dying and then suddenly I'm cornered by the cops. Jack, I think I'm going insane."
He gripped the bars and Jack saw the veins stick out in his arms and the blood rushing to his hands.

"Mark, its okay, alright?" It probably wasn't okay, Mark was most definitely going to be charged but these were the only words of comfort Jack could say. "Look, I'm not here long but I have something really important to say to you, promise you won't freak out?"
Mark looked at Jack worriedly but nodded anyway.
"Okay, so - uh." Jack had no idea how to explain the whole situation.
"Something happened alright? Its no exactly clear but I was told you had turned into some sort of monster."

"Who told you this?" Mark said, confused.
"Uh, this stranger, he wasn't human - at least I don't think he was, there was no way he possibly was."
"Does this explain why I go into like -" Mark paused for words, "-like a trance where I do stuff and can't remember?"
Jack nodded, "exactly that, yeah. But its okay, I should have fixed it now. You'll be fine now."

"How do you know?"
"I -I made a bargain with the thing -" Jack started but Mark cut him off.
"But - how could you? How do you'll know if he will fix me? What was the bargain?"
"He threatened me, it was life or death and I had to accept." Jack stuttered. From the corner Jack heard the guard throw his cigarette down and announce that time was up.
"Please, give us some more time." Mark cried. Jack heard the guard grunt but he stayed where he was for the moment.

"Did I hurt anyone when I was out?"
Jack bit his lip, he didn't want to tell him but Mark looked determined and repeated his words.
"You - hurt a lot of people -" Jack said, not meeting Marks eyes and mumbling. "You - tried to choke me and you gave Bob a big beating, I'm not sure if he's okay or not."
There was silence, Jack looked back up at Mark who was furiously biting on his lip.
"Oh god..." He whispered. "Oh god... How - why..."
Before Jack could speak the guard came over and told Jack they had to go or he'd get into trouble.

Mark grabbed Jacks hand through the bars and for a brief moment Jack felt a spark inside of him.
"You'll get me out. Explain to them I'm not a killer. Please, Jack?" He pleaded, his big brown eyes baring into Jacks.
"I promise."
Jack said, before being led away by the guard and away from Mark.

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