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I feel nervous.
I actually feel nervous.
I walk up on to the porch.
Breathe jacob breath.
I raised my hand up and knock on her door.
She opened it.
I will admit she was very pretty even if she doesn't try to dress up.

She had on a tan poncho with a black shirt under it.
Her skinny jeans looked great on her.
She had her hair down which made her look ten times more gorgious.
"Um.. ready?" I ask nervously.
Cara walks up behind her.
"Take care of her i know where you live" she mouthed.

"I will" i mouth back.
Me and her walked around town since i knew no where and cara told me she loves to do that.
"So tell me jacob walker what was your life before here?" She asked.

I thought back on my life.
I basically had none.
My family disowned me.
I got assigned to here probably was the best thing in my life.
"It was very boring" i said.
"Interesting i hear you had a reputation back in new york" she said.

I had to reputations.
One was me being heartless.
Yea because i didn't care who died really and i didn't show any emotion.

My other reputation was me finishing cases easily.
"And what is that?" I ask.
"That you finish your cases easily" she said.
"I sometimes do but not all the time. So what do you like to do here?" I ask switching the subject.

"Take walks" she said.
"JACOB!" I hear someone call behind us.
I look back at a guy with long black hair and brown eyes.
He was tall and musculor.
"Lucius" i said.

He was a guy from new york who i worked with on one case.
"Whose the girl" he said while staring at shannon.
She looked around confused on who was talking to who.
I grab her arm and pull her closer to me.

"What are you doing here?" I ask.
"Woah woah i asked the question first" he said.
I rolled my eyes then sighed.
"She's the sheriff's daughter" i mutter.
"Good boy now i'm here to help you with this case? But of course you can do that on your own with your reputation. I'm here to help you though" he said.

I tensed up.
"Lucius not here" i warn.
"Fine i'm not going to pick a fight. Though i'm surprised you actually went out with someone" he said.
I wanted to hit him really really bad right now.

"Now sweet heart if you want i can show you some real fun" lucius had a reputation with ladies.
More like he was a one night guy.
A player.

"As if" she said.
"I could make it worth your time" he tried to make his voice deeper.
"Lucius cut it out" i said.
I grab shannon's arm and drag her away from him.
Me and shannon laid on the grass in the park.
I watched the lake ripple.
"The world works in odd ways" shannon murmered.
"Why's that?" I ask.
"The world made me blind. Well god did" she said.
"Arn't you mad at him for doing that to you?" I ask.

"Nope. He made me this way for a reason" she said.
"What's the reason?" I ask.
"To see peoples personality" she said.
"But you can't see who people are who your talking to. You will never know what your friends look like" i said.
She smiled.
She sat up from her laying postition.

"I can see perfectly fine" she murmers.
She reached out and touched my neck.
She traced her hand till she reached my cheek.
I felt this funny feeling in my stomach and chest.
I wanted her to touch my face more.
What the heck?
Jacob no.
Just no.
I will admit i never liked a girl.
Do i like shannon?
How can i like her we've only known each other for a few days.

She brought her other hand up and touched my other cheek.
Her hands slowly roamed around my face.
I surprisingly let her.
Her thumbs stopped at my lips.

"I can see you perfectly fine" she says softly.
"Your confusing" i whisper.
"So are you" she says back.

I smile.
"Would you like to go for a walk around the lake?" I ask.
"Your not going to push me in are you?" She asked.
"If i do you can push me in" i said.
She smiled and got up.
I followed.

We started to walk around the lake.
"So it's just you and your dad?" I ask.
"Yea my mom left once she had me. What was your family like?" She asked.
"Hard and awful" i said.
"Not all familys are perfect" she said.

"Nope not even close" i mutter
"So cara says you and her usaully hang out on valentines day" i said trying to switch the subject.
"Yea we have hung out for years" she said.
"What happened?" I asked.
"A guy. He asked her yesterday after you asked me" she said.

"You guys don't have a code or anything?" I ask.
" we do" she answers.
"Care to fill me in?" I ask.
"We promised not to date until until after college" shannon said.
"How more years of college?" I ask.
"I took the eight year term so about four more years" she answered.

"How do you break it then?" I ask.
"She has to tell you your aloud to." She said.
"Does she date?" I ask.
"I guess i only met one guy and that was zach the boy she's going out with" she said.

"You trust her to date?" I ask.
"Sure i have no problem with her dating we promised to keep up with our studies" she said.
"What are you studying for?" I ask.
"Culinary. Silly right?" She said sheepishly.

"Not at all. So you can cook?" I ask.
"Yea i make chocolate eclairs for cara every valentines day" she said.
I smiled.
"How long have you known cara?" I ask.
"All our lives we met when we were babies" she replied.

 The Blind date •ON HOLD•Where stories live. Discover now