Discovered Love

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L seemed a bit depressed lately, Light thought. But why? Nothing has changed. We're still handcuffed together. We're still sitting in front of these computers most of the day. He still has his unlimited supply of sweets. But he did fire everyone else working on the Kira case a few days ago, could that be it? He shouldn't feel bad about that, it was only to protect their job.

Light didn't realize that L had gotten up and began for the stairs, he nearly fell out of his chair when the chain couldn't reach any further. L glanced back at Light, who looked shocked and distraut about being pulled out if his thoughts that way, and simply said "i need to go get more cake. Watari is asleep."

"LIIIIIIIIIGGGGHHHHHTTT" It was Misa. "Liiiiight there you are! Please come with me! I have a few friends over and we are playing a game, will you pleaaaassssee play with us?" Annoyed, Light replied

"Misa I'm working."

"Oh come on Light all you do is work! We never get to do anything together! LIIIIIIIGHT please come play with us."

"What about L?" Light sighed.

"Oh right... well I suppose that pervert can come too, but don't do any weird things to my friends got it!"

L looked at Misa and then at Light, "As you wish but firs-"

"Alright!" Misa grabbed Light's arm and began at a run.

But... cake.... L stared back at the stairs leading to the kitchen as he was tugged the opposite direction by the chain.

The three entered the room and saw four other girls sitting in a circle. Misa introduced them as Luna, a dark haired girl with blue eyes, Himiko, a red haired girl, Suki, a petite blonde girl, and Ava, a brunette with tattoos all up her arms.

"What kind of game are we supposed to play Misa?" Light asked looking around the room. "Spin the bottle!! I bet you can't wait for my bottle to land on you Light!" Light forced a smile. Two of the girls, Himiko and Suki, were giggling and blushing while taking turns looking in Light's direction. Ava was talking with Misa and Luna was eyeing out L. Wait... she was definitely looking at L... He never really thought anyone would look at L the way that girl is. "He's really cute." Luna said aloud. Misa turned "I know, Light's my little cutie pie heheh". "No not Light, the other one" Luna replied and waved at L. Misa looked at her, then L, then back to her "Um okay well he's all yours". For some reason those words drowned Light back into his thoughts.

(Light's POV) I don't want L to be with her. I don't want him to be with anyone else. Wait what the heck am I thinking... I couldn't care less, he's the only thing standing in my way of a perfect world! But I don't want him to be with anyone else... anyone... but... me...

"Come on let's get this game started already!" Misa shouted. Light snapped out of his trance and joined everyone in the circle.

Light looked at L.

Whoever he kisses today will probably be his first kiss... L's first kiss...

Light was lost in his thoughts again.

Suki started the game and the bottle landed on Ava. They stared at each other for a moment and then gave a weak peck of a kiss. Misa spun and the bottle faced Himiko, Misa let out sigh, she was obviously hoping for the bottle to stop on Light. The game went on a few more turns without involving Light or L.

Then it was Light's turn.

He spun the empty beer bottle and half mindedly glanced down to see which girl he had to kiss. The girls giggled and Light realized who it was pointing at. Light's eyes followed the direction of the bottle, at two bare feet, then blue jeans, a white shirt, and stared into two dark coloured eyes.

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