A Good Boy's Revenge Chapter 7

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*** Recap ***

“One slip of the tongue and that could mean trouble sniffing around me and mine. I’ll give you a choice. You can either join our now deceased friend with half your brains on the floor or you can join me and give me your word as a brother. You don’t have family around here and as you know it can be pretty dangerous, we could be your family. Protect you from people you need protecting from all you have to do is join so are you in?...

****Chapter 7****

It had been two weeks since Andre had asked me to join his gang; I knew that I would have to join if I wanted to stay alive so for the last two weeks I had been meeting the other members of the gang. Surprisingly many of them held down good jobs, some had wives and children, my views of the typical adolescent trying to act cool in front of his peers had been changed, I’d learnt that the gang life had just been something that a lot of the individuals did as a way of feeling part of a family as well as having an identity. Even though some of the men that I had met had been genuinely nice guys it still make my stomach twist in knots with guilt at the thought of being part of something that killed my father, maybe not this gang in particular but a gang none the less. Could I use this situation I had gotten myself into to my advantage? Could I do what my dad had asked of me and avenge his death? Questions spun around my mind as I tried to concentrate on the task at hand tonight… Project Thomas…


“Keep going!” Andre yelled over his shoulder to me as he sped off down an alley. My legs were burning and starting to cramp from the physical pain they had been subjected to but I pushed my body to full speed and quickly caught up with him.

I could hear footsteps running behind me and men shouting offensive abuse at us. Andre suddenly came to an abrupt stop placing his hands on his knees as his body hunched over and fought to take deep breaths

“Why’d you stop?!” I whisper yelled at him not that it made much of a difference since the guys we were running from came to a halt behind us.

“Aww would ya look at thad Richie these two have tired emselfs out!”

The taller guy who’d I’d been told was called Thomas said with a cocky grin plastered on his flustered face. Richie laughed slightly out of breath, I looked him up and down and a smirk settled on my face as I bit back a laugh.

“Something funny pretty boi?” Richie spat as his head snapped in my direction, I rolled my eyes as I looked him up and down again with a bored look settled on my face

“Actually yeah, I didn’t think your fat arse would be able to keep up but I was wrong and as for calling me pretty boi thanks Rich but ya not my type I’m more of a ladies only type of guy” I said with a cocky grin on my face.

I could hear Andre laughing beside me as Richie’s face turned an angry crimson colour he took a step forward but Thomas grabbed him by the arm saying something under his breath that I didn’t quite catch, whatever it was though had seemed to calm Richie down as he nodded his head at Thomas and stood back.

“Look Andre you know the score, Cherry is my best money maker and now she’s telling me she’s leaving my club because of you. That’s my property ya hear!? She’s mine!” Thomas spat angrily at Andre who was looking through him with a bored look on his face

“Hmm you see the thing is I want her, and what I want I usually get plus I think Cherry would look real good in my club. Don’t cha think Nate!” He said, I just nodded my head as he carried on talking

“Ya see Thomas she tells me a lot ya know. You know what women are like one handsome man a bit of cash and a smile that promises her the moon and the stars n she’ll tell ya pretty much anything you want or need to hear.” He said as he sat and made himself comfortable on a nearby container.

Thomas rubbed his face roughly as he stole a quick glance at Richie before nodding and looking back at Andre while grinding his teeth

“Yeah women, they chat a lot… a lot of sh*t! So what lil Cherry been talking she’s mine and you’ll be sure to remember that! I don’t care what you seem to think you know! Just because some dirty whore has opened her mouth?!  You just stay away from my club and my girls this is my part of town you’re in now you got no goons here boi! I should teach you a lesson” Thomas spat as he took a step closer to us

Andre let out a bone chilling laugh as he stood up from the container that he had been sitting on. “You’re a funny guy Tom! You. Teach. Me. A. Lesson.” He said as he pronunciates each word

“Old age has got to ya coz if you didn’t notice were actually in my part of town and if anyone should be being taught a lesson it should be you in Fucking Geography!” He said sarcastically in a dangerous tone.

Thomas curses under his breath as he takes in his surroundings and takes a small step back instantly regretting so as he bumps into one of Andres ‘goons’ as Thomas had put it earlier.

Thomas’s face changed from an angry red to a deathly white in milliseconds, the guy standing behind him known as tiny was around 6”2 his build was that of a professional wrestler, the white vest hugged to his body like a second skin emphasising his sculpted body more, very much the opposite to his street name that he had been given.

He wore a dangerous smirk on his face as he raises his fist before letting it fall into Thomas’s cheekbone. The sound of Thomas cheekbone cracking echoed around the alley, he let out a painful scream as blow after blow was delivered to his face; Thomas didn’t have a chance to fight back since Tiny delivered fast blows each blow as brutal as the last. Richie stood in shock before shaking his head as if to make the horror that he was witnessing disappear, quickly realising what was happening he bravely tried to pull tiny off of the now silent Thomas. The only sound coming from the blood drenched man was gurgles as he mouth filled as quick as he spat.

“Tiny” Andre said in a calm voice instantly stopping the now blood covered man stop in his tracks

“Yeah boss?” He replied in an equally calm voice as though he wasn’t covered in blood and he hadn’t been beating seven shades of shit out of the near lifeless man on the floor beside him.

“I think that’s enough, his learnt his lesson now. Go clean-up” Andre said as he started to walk towards the alley entrance, stopping beside Richie who was cursing under his breath and panicky trying to check Thomas for a pulse.

“If you’re smart you will see this as lesson in not to fuck with me Richie, your boss seems to think he runs this town! He doesn’t!” Andre spat heatedly, his fists clenching and unclenching angrily at his sides as he spoke

“Be sure to know that next times no one will walk away from this if ever any of your little crew dare to start up again!” he spat, before Richie had a chance to respond Andre’s foot connected with Richie’s ribs sounding a nauseating crack that had him howling out in panted pained breaths.

“Nate you fancy something to eat? I think Layla’s cooking up a storm tonight I’m definitely in the mood for her cooking” he said in a sing song voice as he walked away from the heavy breathing and cries of pain in the alley way.

I quickly matched my step to his and we silently made our way to my block, I sat silently as I thought about the events of the night.

This was the life that I was in now and all because of the one answer id given Andre when he had asked me to join him and his gang…. YES!

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 13, 2012 ⏰

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