Chapter 28

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Ben's POV

"Take me." I moaned out into James ear. The next thing I knew I was on my back on the bed with James attacking my lips. I let out a quiet moan as James and I continued our heated make-out session. We both pulled away to breathe but James started trailing his mouth down my neck.

I let out a moan when he reached the spot where my neck meets my shoulder. He worked that spot for a few minutes leaving a dark hickey. He started to take off my button-up as he worked his way back to my mouth. I moaned loudly into his mouth when his giant hands started roaming my chest. We both let out a moan as we continued to kiss. I removed my hands from his hair and trailed them down his chest. As I went down his chest I unbuttoned each and every button until they were all undone. I slowly slid off his shirt, with some help from him.

I pulled away from James to catch my breath. I opened my eyes and saw James looking down at me with a smile on his face.

"You are just so...perfect. I love you." He whispered as he moved a piece of my hair away from my face. I smile up at him and placed a lingering kiss on his lips before pulling away.

"I love you too." Was the only thing I said before James' attention was on the necklace around my neck. He looked up at me with a smirk on his handsome face. He took the necklace in his right hand and before I knew it he ripped it off my neck. And I was quickly thrown into a world of pleasure.

My back arched up towards James as I screwed my eyes shut. I was nearly screaming at the foreign feelings that were coursing through my body. I could feel myself harden to the point where it hurt. I started feeling a warmish and wet pooling between my legs so I automatically knew I was producing slick. My body was on fire, and the only way to put it out was with James.

I heard a loud growl rip through the air right before I felt James tear my pants and underwear off of my body. My entire being trembled on the bed as I slowly opened my eyes. James eyes were bright blue as he stared down at my withering form. I was completely naked as James shamelessly checked out my body.

"You smell amazing." James voice was huskier meaning Axel was close to the surface.

"James....mmmm......p-please." I begged as I gripped the sheets tightly in my hands. I could feel James icy hands as the slid up and down my body, leaving a trail of fire wherever he touched. My body was craving more of him, all of him. James moved closer to my mouth as he placed a simple kiss on my lips. I let my eyes flutter shut as he trailed the kisses down my jaw.

I let out a loud moan when his teeth attached to my right nipple. My grip on the sheets was staring to rip them as my knuckles turned white. James teeth bit my nipple making me hiss as his tongue soothed it. He trailed his lips over to my left nipple as he repeated the action.

My entire body was burning. I don't think I had ever felt a greater fire. The feelings that were coursing through my body made every muscle tense. I felt my fingers rip the sheets more making the sound audible. James head looked up at me and then down to my hands.

"Shhh gorgeous, calm down. I got you. Come on, let go." James soothed as he put his hands over mine. Slowly I let all the muscles in my body relax as the fire spreads.

James smiled up at me as he kissed every inch of my tummy. I could feel the blush rise to my cheeks and ears but at this point being embarrassed didn't even cross my mind. I could feel my boy parts practically throbbing against my stomach; they were really starting to hurt. And with my slick the sensations running through me we're putting me on overload. I started whimpering making James head snap up to me.

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