Chapter 30

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Ben's POV

"S-s-t-t-to-p-p." I screamed while giggling as I tried to push James off of me. He just laughed without stopping his tickle attacks. My lungs were screaming at me as I tried to gain control of my breathing.

"Okay, okay. I'll stop; just because I want you to be able to breath." James admitted as he finally pulled his hands away from my sides. I let of a slow, shaky breath as I focused on my breathing. I grabbed the hem of his shirt and wiped my face with it getting the tears off of my face. After I got my breath back I looked up at James and saw him looking at me up and down making me feel slightly self-conscious. He got a distant look in his eyes before he grumbled and fell onto the empty space in bed next to me.

"I have to go help my father pack up some of their stuff. And before you ask, no you can't help. Take a nap and I'll be back once you wake up." James told me making me pout. Ever since we mated I hate, and I mean HATE, being away from James. I think it's just because I'm Omega, but I don't know. I felt James place a lingering kiss on my forehead before he walked out of the room.

We came back from the cabin Monday, it was Wednesday. When we got back everyone knew that we mated, so whenever we would walked by someone they would 'congratulate' us. I don't think my face was ever redder.

Also, after we talked to James parents and Leo's parents we all decided that James will take over as alpha, I'll take over as Luna, and Leo will take over as Beta, Saturday, after graduation. James and I are moving in into the alphas house this week; next week Leo is moving into the betas house. It's just easier than doing it all in one week.

I looked around the room at all of the boxes and decided to pack up a few more. I grabbed a couple of boxes before walking into the closet. Looking around I saw a lot of James clothes and only a small amount of mine.

I had packed everything I needed from my old room yesterday.

Smiling lightly to myself I folded the box and began packing everything in it. I made sure to write labels on everything and keep everything organized. I had always had slight OCD, it wasn't very bad or anything I just needed everything in a specific place. I had almost two boxes done before I heard my phone go off in the room. I finished putting the shirt I had in my hands in the box before walking out to check my phone.

Hey Ben, it's Alice. I was wondering if you wanted to hang out later? Maybe you, James, Liam, and me?

I smiled and quickly type back a response saying that I'd love to. We hadn't been hanging out much lately because of everything going on, and I was sad about that. Also James hasn't really became too good of friends with them because we'd usually hang out with his friends. I put my phone in my sweatpants pocket before walking back into the closet and finishing packing up the closet.

Once everything from the closet was put into boxes I looked around the, now, empty space. It looked kinda weird to have such a big space that is completely empty. I tried to pick a couple of the boxes but quickly realized I was too weak. Deciding to just leave them there I grabbed two more boxes and went into the bathroom to put most of the stuff in them. I left out our basic things that we need everyday, but other than that everything else went into a box.

After I walked out of the bathroom I checked the time and saw it was 2:17 in the afternoon. I had been packing stuff for over an hour and I hadn't had lunch so I decided to go get something to eat.

As I walked downstairs the pack members bowed their heads when they passed me. Blushing, I sped walked to the kitchen. It was pretty empty with I got there so I just went to the pantry and decided on making popcorn. I put it in the microwave and pressed the buttons before I heard yelling and an alert rang through my head.

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