Chapter 32

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Ben's POV

"Wake up sleepy head, we need to get ready for graduation." I heard a deep voice whispered in my ear causing me to shiver. James hands moved to my waist as he pulled me closer to him. I let my eyes flutter open once I yawned only to be met with the most handsome sight. James hair was disheveled and he had a lazy, sleepy, smile on his face. He hadn't shaved for a couple of days so he had a bit of scruff on his face, it made him look more manly.

I ran my hand softly over his face taking in every detail. It's been about a month and I still couldn't get over how handsome he was. James' hands snaked themselves around my waist, pulling my bottom half closer to him.

"You haven't shaved in awhile." I mumbled as I traced random patterns on my his chest. James hummed as he stared rubbing his hands up and down my back.

"Yeah, I'll shave if you don't like it."

"N-no, I like it." I reassured looking up at him with a lazy smile on my face. He beamed down at me before placing a kiss on my forehead. My phone buzzed making me move away from James warmth. I grabbed it and saw that it was already noon. We had to be at the school for graduation by four so we had some time.

Hey Bennie-boo time for you and your man to get up. A bunch of us are going out for lunch, so hurry so cute ass up.

Leo's text read making me blush. I heard a growl in my ear causing me to jump slightly at the sudden realization that James was so close. He was glaring daggers at my phone and he read over the text from his beta. I had to suppress a laugh from coming up at the look on James face.

"He shouldn't be looking at your ass." He growled with a pout on his face. A giggle escaped my mouth as rolled over to face him. James attention was back on me as his hardened face softened out. He placed a feather-like kiss on my forehead before pushing himself off of me and going to the bathroom. I quickly texted him back saying we'd be there in a few before going over to a chair where our outfits were.

Since we were moving out within the next two days all of our clothes were packed away in boxes. Last night we each picked out three outfits: two for today, one formal one casual, and one for tomorrow. I grabbed James and my's formal outfits out of the stack. When James came out of the bathroom I went in to get changed and do all my business.

See James wanted us to be EVERYWHERE together. And it was sweet he was worried about me and didn't want something happening. Also, since we found out that I was pregnant he's been on high alert.

We found out when James made me go to the doctors after I started feeling quizzy in the mornings. Alpha pregnancies last only about four months while normal werewolf pregnancies last six. I didn't think anything of I but he insisted, and I'm glad he did. Only we knew, not even his parents, Leo and Dom, or Alice and Liam. We wanted to wait until I was further along before we announced it. Omegas have a slightly higher rate of miscarriages and/or complications.

"Gorgeous, hurry up Leo's blowing up both of our phones wondering where we are." James deep voice broke me from my thoughts. I quickly finished brushing my teeth before putting on my outfit. It was a simple navy button up and black slacks. I was also wearing the same shoes I wore to prom.

When I walked out of the bathroom James quickly was standing by my side grabbing my hand. I smiled at the ground at this, it was nice.  James grabbed our caps and gowns as we walked out of the room and started downstairs. Boys gowns were black while girls were an ugly eggplant colored purple.

When we got downstairs a group of our friends were waiting for us. Liam and Alice we also coming with us I noticed. I'm happy that everyone was starting to get to know each other and becomes friends. Leo, Dom, James, and I were driving in one car while the others split themselves between two cars. Jordan and Brandon were coming with us too, but Brandon had to be picked up.

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