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seungkwan kept whispering soft, calming things into hansol's ear as the latter clutched to seungkwan's shirt, crying. seungkwan could feel the tears over his chest but he couldn't care less about it, he only cared about the boy in his arms,

"hansol, don't worry, it's okay, im here, you don't have to talk if you don't want to, i love you, hansol. im always here." seungkwan mumbles calmly as hansol looked up at him with big, watery, hazel eyes.

seungkwan's heart broke. he was so used to the hansol that would mess around, that would roast the shit out of him, that would laugh at everything. he wanted hansol to be happy and it hurt him to see he wasn't.

"seungkwan... do you really care? we're not even that close but you're so nice, i-i just don't want to lose you and... and..." hansol couldn't finish his sentence as tears continue to stream down his red, stained face. his voice was hoarse and cracked.

"yes, i do, i won't ever leave you. hansol, you already have a special place in my heart" seungkwan smiles, despite shedding a few tears himself.

he didn't miss how red hansol's face went. the latter smiled shyly and giggled softly.

he hugged the boy and they fell onto his bed. hansol's arms wrapped around seungkwan's waist and their legs tangled together.

seungkwan was blushing so hard right now, and this time, he didn't even try controlling his rapid heartbeat. that's the effect the other had on him.

hansol was still sniffling but he stopped crying, his face buried into seungkwan's chest. he could hear the jeju boy's heart beat. he liked it.

they stayed there, cuddling as they drifted to sleep, limbs tangles and breath mixing together. they would never admit it, but they both loved it, so much.

stare - hvc + bsk (DISCONTINUED, READ LAST CHAP)Where stories live. Discover now