Bloody Wants Yet Clean Needs

16 1 1

    I woke up to Stark sitting on my stomach trying to wake me up. Key word, trying. For the past hour I have been pushing him away and going back to the open arms of sleep, but this boy is so stubborn that he won't just leave me alone!

  I shoved him off lightly for the millionth time and tumbled out of bed towards the kitchen where the stove awaited for me so I was able to make Stark breakfast.

  "So, what do you want for breakfast sweetie?" I asked kindly like a caring mother should.

   It has been pure bliss these past couple weeks. Stark and I have been living alone with no interruption's from Jay and his..."toy" and the best part is the heat is dying down from the family being murdered. No trace of evidence is clear and the police are now calling it a "Ghost Killing" for they have no other explanation. The police are still looking for James A.K.A. Stark, but they are completely convinced that the boy I framed has hidden James and is either keeping him alive with someone he trusts or his body is a rotting corpse waiting to be found.

   "Mommy!" Stark yelled, breaking me out of my thoughts and forcing me to focus back on making breakfast.

   "Yes hun?" I asked.

  "BREAKFAST!" He screamed, his little high pitch voice filled with delight and love.

  "Right. I am on it!" I replied using a "buff, manly" voice for the last part, striking a superman pose.

   Quickly I went to the fridge getting out eggs, butter, and the ingredients I would need to make chocolate chip pancakes.

  While I busied myself with breakfast Stark went to the living room and started watching Chowder. It wasn't long til the aroma of delicious milk chocolate and eggs filled the air making the house feel lighter and homier than usual and not just some cold, barren wasteland that we live in. Looking around I noticed that the walls are a faded white, almost a yellow while the kitchen appliances did not match with the kitchen at all. Everything was a chrome/silver color while the kitchen itself was a nasty yellowish with baby blue bordering.

  "Hey, Stark! Do you want to go to Home Depot with me and paint the kitchen? In fact, while we're at it, we might as well buy you some paint and paint an extra bedroom for you to have!" I insisted hearing how I sound happier now that I have someone to love and cherish even if it isn't the kind of love that I want to be giving right now but it shall do especially sense I get to have a son.

  I finish up making breakfast quickly and wait for Stark's reply. When it didn't come within five minutes I began to panic and worry about him. I calmed in a few seconds thinking that he probably went back to sleep so I finished setting the table for two then walked into the living room expecting him to be on the couch asleep but only to find the sliding glass door to be open and for the curtains to be fluttering in the wind.

  A heart wrenching sob escaped from my chest and clawed its way up my throat as I fell to the ground on my knees wondering if I would ever be able to see my baby boy again. Wondering if whoever the hell took him would take care of him. Then I begin to think, how am I going to be able to track him down and kill his kidnapper as revenge and bring my boy back safely where I can take care of him and watch him grow. I love Stark as if he were my own and I allowed him to be kidnapped, IN MY OWN HOUSE! I would NOT stand for this carelessness! I will find my boy, and I will seek my revenge and it shall end in blood...

Sorry that it is short, I was rushing to get this posted and I didn't think of anything else to put in this chapter

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