Over The River And Through The Woods, To The Kidnapper's Lair We Go

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Sorry I havent been uploading lately -.- I had drama, and drama, and drama, and I was busy as hell so ya...sorry!

            I stalked through my house with a black duffel bag grabbing things that I needed or wanted to make the killing even more gruesome than any other killing I have done. I'll show those pricks who dare step foot in my house and take what belongs to me! Stark is my son by heart! I will not stand for this!

           I opened my bedroom door with a creak and went to my closet. There, resting on the top shelf, was my beloved gloves and silver dagger. Yes I have multiple pair of gloves but there is only one kind that I truly love to kill with and one kind only. Hand crafted by a legendary killer himself made me these gloves. My uncle was the one who taught me to be silent when we played little kid games like hide-and-seek. Never once did I step on a loose floor board or hear my own breath. He was my idol at such a young age then he went to jail. Poor thing, never got let out or even had visitors, makes me want to cry but that will have to wait even longer.

          I tossed the items into my bag then ran for the back door. First place to check is the abandend warehouse about 20 miles out back behind my house. Over the river and through the woods...to the kidnapper's lair we go.

          I walked all the way to the river having to dodge low branches and spiderwebs. I nearly tripped twice over roots sticking out of the ground. But that never stopped me. I am the big bad wolf and this little piggy has made me mad.

          Stopping to asses what I need to cross I realize that there is no way to cross except for a raft for the current is too strong and the rocks are too sharp at the bottom. Turning around and lifting up fallen branches I found no raft but I have found drag marks as if something big was dragged and it led to the river.

          It seems like this person has thought this out completely and knows what they're doing but one mistake, never leave any traces of evidence behind.

        Looking up I found a way. I climbed the nearest tree to the river and got onto it's second branch before I started to walk slowly and carefully across it. There was only a foot gap between this branch and the one on the other side of the river. When the time came I took a big step, being too careless and nearly missed. I fell onto the branch knocking the air out of me and leaving a few scraps on my arms and legs. I struggled to get myself up and then continued to the trunk of the tree. Once there I proceeded to jump to the next branch below and then to the ground.

        I straightened up before fixing the duffle bag on my back then jogged further into the dark woods, hoping, wishing, that Stark was alright and nothing bad has happened to him.

       Dodging trees and branches, roots and twigs, I sprinted the last mile to end up in front of a warehouse. All I have to do now is go in, see if my son is there, if so I will take him and hide him then finish off the kidnapper, and if not there... well this momma bear is not going to be too happy with herself or the kidnapper.

      Stalking up to the building as if it were my prey I carefully dodge everything that would make a noise, I let my inner beast out. I'm a deadly person, tis true, but when I truly lose myself to my insanity then all hell breaks lose. I have trouble controlling it but that doesn't bother me unless I need to keep things clean, and this time I can let the blood rain everywhere, watch in satisfaction as the person breathes their last dying breath, their words muddled by the blood pouring from their mouth. Watch with glee as my son's kidnapper dies.

     I slowly opened the door just enough for me to slip in and turned on my flashlight. The place looked like a toxic wasteland what with all the slime and mold on the walls and big rusty metal containers laying everywhere. I climbed the stairs when I fell. Grabbing onto the ledge before I fall any further to my death I got this creepy bone chilling feel to look down. So aiming the light that way I saw bodies upon bodies all bloody and gaping open. My breathe was stolen from me at this terrible sight, any day I would be aw'ing over it but my son is with whoever did this and this is not the time to look at such a masterpiece.

    Using all my strength I pulled myself up and back on to the stairs, this time being careful going up them. I finally made it to the door at the top and opened it to reveal a middle aged man standing over Stark with a sinister grin.

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