First Drop Of Blood

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  I gripped the handle of the bloody knife in a death grip, not daring to let go for I can't leave any evidence behind. I chose this path, therefore I must walk it out no matter where the consequences may take me. Call me selfish, call me cold blooded, call me a monster, it would do you no good for I will still take your life.

  I longed for blood to fall ever since I was little. I enjoyed watching people cry out in pain, watching them writhe and beg to die. I'm a sick being but aren't we all? We all are sick and twisted in our own ways. I just choose to show my ways by what I love to do.

   I have always been "sick and demented" even as a small child. My parents were always abusive but they got me pets that would 'mysteriously' disappear then appear with blood surrounding them. I grew up around blood and death. I grew up thinking and believing that abuse and blood shed is good and shows love. I never had a relationship because people feared me and my temper. I never had a friend because people were afraid they might say something that would unleash my temper. I guess you could say I'm death himself for that is all I bring everywhere I go. I tried to stop, but the feel of blood splattering on me, the handle of the knife in my hand, the sound of torturous screams and the begging for death from my victims...I can't live without it, it has become my life work, my love.

  The wails of the sirens brings me back to reality. With one last look at my newest masterpiece that I've created, I sprinted out the back door grabbing the gloves I used to get in so I left no fingerprints on the door, and went home using alley ways and dark streets so no one could see the blood that is soaking my clothes or the knife that I'm gripping that still drips with crimson.

   I made my way inside my house and went straight to the laundry room to put my bloody clothes in the washer so they would be of use next time I went out for fun. The washer began and so I made my way to my bedroom so I can get clean clothes and take a shower.

  As the water crashed down on my body, taking the blood away with it down the drain, I felt my muscles relax and thought of where to go next.

   The sound of my phone brought my thoughts to a hault as I grabbed a towel and stepped out. I picked my phone up off my bedside table and answered it with caution.

  "Hello, this is Alexandria Rose, how may I help you?" I spoke in a soft soothing tone to fool anyone who might be on my case.

   "Hello Alex, this is Jay. We have your latest assignment. The boss wants you to take pictures of gothic couples and scene girls."

   "I'm on it, I'll have a stack of new pictures for the boss by the end of the month."

  "Thank you Alex, now get some sleep. Good-night."

   "Good-night Jay." And with that, I hung up and finished getting ready for bed.

                          I awoke with to the shrilling of my alarm clock and started doing the daily routine of brushing my hair and teeth. When all the boring stuff was done I dressed in skinny jeans and a dark sweater then left to go to the studio where I take my pictures.

     As I step through the doors people rush to greet me and show me to the room where the models are waiting. I ignored them all and walked down the hallway passing numerous doors until I come upon door number 20 and entered, greeting the models with a bright smile while asking them to get ready.

   After and hour of taking photos I was finally finished for the day and left to get lunch but was stopped by a boy- no a young man.

   "Excuse me ma'am but I was wondering if you would like to get lunch with me?" He asked in a soft melody like voice. And then I finally really look at him and relize he is one of the models.

   "Sure, I would love to." I smiled while taking the hand he held out for me and began to walk with him towards his car.

   We got in and he started driving away from the studio. After about 6 minutes of mindless chatter we ended up in front of a Chinses resturaunt. We left the car and went inside where the warm air from inside the building greeted us as well as a short Chinese woman dressed in what I believe is fine Chinses clothes. I followed after the two to the table that she seated us at and that is when I started having a feeling uncover itself within me, a feeling that I do not know, nor do I think I wish to know.

  Lunch came and gone quickly and I was soon in my own car on my way home. After a couple of minutes I arrived on my street but saw a car that I did not know parked in my drive way and started to panick. I didn't think the cops could have found me! I didn't even leave a single piece of evidence!

  I slowly turned off my car and got out. With slow, hesitant steps I arrived at my door and walked inside ready to pounce on anything that threatened me. I crept towards the living room where I heard the T.V. and saw...Jay on my couch drinking a beer?!?!?!?!?! What has the world come to when a girl can't even go home without her annoying co-worker to be there?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!

 "Jay," I growled, "What are you doing here? How did you even get inside!?!?"

  "Well Alex. I know about your late night fun and I have come to make you a compromise. You see, I have some people who I hate and they found a little secret of mine. I need you to take care of them, I'll pay you 200 dollars per person, and there are 5 people that I need gone. So you see, you help me, and I won't tell the police about you being the murderer that they have been searching for for years." Jay stated calmly.

   Thinking about my options, I decided to agree to his deal. As long as I can do what I love, that's all that really mattered to me.

  "OK Jay, I'll do it."

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