Beach Day

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Hello. I am Lacey. A bichon frise who loves adventures, and has lots of tricks up her sleeves.
For my first story, I will be telling you about the best day ever. My beach day. Hope you enjoy.

It all started when two visitors arrived. They brought me presents and gave me lots of hugs. I soon realised they were my aunt and uncle. They soon became two of my favourite people EVER.
Soon after they arrived, they were discussing going to this place called 'The Beach'. Me, being the young pup that I am, had never heard such a ridiculous word. Before I knew it, I was getting suited up and put into the car.
We stopped at the pet shop first. I got a lovely bone, (which I am eagerly trying to destroy, but no matter how many times I clamp and grind my fangs, it doesn't seem to be working.) after that fun visit, we continued on our way to the beach. When we arrived, my mom picked me up and nestled me under her arm as we walked down steep steps. My uncle went down the way you weren't supposed to, he climbed under the bar and walked down the slope, he's a rebel. As soon as we went down the steps, my mom put me down, and I observed my surroundings. There was a giant body of blue water, with waves as big as, well, waves. It instantly reminded me of bath time, so I was not impressed in the slightest. That all changed when I laid eyes on a spaniel. He was carrying around a ball that was bigger than me, but I insisted we share. My mom let me off the leash, and I galloped away. I skipped across the rock pool, which in doing so, may or may not have sprayed a small child with water (sorry!) but I ran away so fast, the child didn't realise what hit him. My mom threw my ball, but just as I was turning on my heels to dash for it, the spaniel stole it. I was in a fit of barking and running after him, which he thought was entertaining. Sure, I didn't play with the ball, but it was still mine. My aunt helped get it back for me, which I was grateful for, but something in the distance caught my eye. A terrier. I leaped across the sand before I could thank my aunt for helping me, and barrelled into the terrier. We had great fun, but he was tired after a measly 3 laps around the beach. I soon abandoned him as I realised he could not fulfil my enjoyment. I soon ran into a golden retriever. He was deaf and 17 years old, but he smelt good. He walked into the waves and I followed him without hesitation. Respect your elders, I told myself. A wave hit me, and I dashed back to my mom to protect her. No way was that wave going to hurt my mom. I soon realised it was harmless, and the retriever was looking at me strangely. Sure, he couldn't hear me giving out, but his look said it all. I turned my back on my mom for one minute, and she was gone! She was being jumped on by two big fluffy dogs. I simply could not allow this. I dashed over to protect my mom, but soon realised I was over my head. I got distracted again by chasing a child, no big deal.
It was time to go before I knew it. My mom tried to attach the leash to me, but I was having none of it. I ran away for about five minutes, until I surrendered. We were heading back to the car, when I did a stunt. I slipped out of my collar and dashed in between the cars. Everyone was yelling my name, but I pretended not to hear, I had learnt that not listening was a good plan, thanks to my old retriever friend for teaching me that.
After a while of my family stopping cars to try to rescue me, I decided enough was enough. I plodded over to my aunt, but before I knew it, my mom had put my slip lead around me and picked me up, she must think she's some sort of cowgirl or something. My antics were over and I was put back into the car and off we drove.
It ended in a bath, which was not good. But it was surely worth it. The day was amazing, and I am begging my mom to bring me back the beach.

Catch you later, Lacey The Bichon.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 13, 2017 ⏰

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