Back to Basics

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Sabine's POV:

I woke up after the best sleep I'd had in weeks, put my armour on got my paint and began to paint last night when we were all around the fire laughing and talking.

I heard Ezra get up and walk through the corridor. I saw his shadow outside of my door as he stopped walking. He knocked quietly. "Hey Sabine, what are you painting? Can I see?" He asked eager to see my creation. "Sure, come in!" I whispered through the door. The door whooshed open and Ezra walked in and observed my painting. "That's really nice Sabine." He told me. "Thanks Ezzy, happy you think so." So... Are you doing anything later? I'm not so if you want to we could go and explore Atollon?" Ezra suggested "That sounds good, I'll bring my paint too." I gave him a kiss on the cheek and laid my head on his shoulder "Wanna go eat some waffles?" He asked me. "Sure lets go eat some waffles." I took his hand and walked towards the door.

When it opened and Chopper fell into the room making sounds mechanical laughter. "Did you just listen in on that conversation?" Ezra asked Chop angrily. Chopper made a few beeps to signal he had and laughed again. "What do you mean it was more than just a conversation!" Ezra yelled. I could see that Chopper knew Ezra was about to hit him so he zoomed off into the Ghost. "Get back here you rusty bucket of bolts!" Ezra demanded and began to pursue the old orange droid whilst I went to get some waffles.

Zeb's POV:

I was laying in bed still trying to picture what a smurf looked like when I heard Ezra yelling at Chopper in the corridor. Can't Chopper leave him alone for one morning? I thought to myself and laughed. Nah never gonna happen! Chopper drove into the room with Ezra seconds behind him. When they were both inside I whispered to them both "Wake me up, and I will kill you." I opened my eye slightly to see Chopper charge up his taser. "CHOPPER NOOOOO!" The blue ball of death flew at me and I began to fly around the bed unable to control my body. Ezra was in the centre of the room, nearly crying of laughter and Chopper cowered in the corner of the room. The electrifying stopped and Ezra began to talk... "Haha! Zeb, it wasn't my fault I swear!" Ezra said trying not to laugh. "Get Chop not m-" "I DON'T CARE WHO DID IT!" I roared in anger. I ran at them both unleashing the weird sounds which came out of my mouth. "You're gonna get it this time!" I yelled. "Help!" Ezra screamed his voice higher than ever. This carried on for a while until I couldn't be bothered to chase them so I made some waffles and joined Sabine in eating them.

"Just like old times eh, Zeb?" Sabine said "Oh no no no! Way worse!" I replied and laughed. "Where's Hera and Kanan?" I asked. "They went to scout a new base location." "Anything is better than this sand box" I laughed at my own joke and Sabine began laughing with me.

'Ghost Crew to the command center, incoming transmission from Fulcrum'

"Kid! Chopper! We're leaving." I shouted down the hall of the Ghost. "Coming!" Ezra shouted back "Just don't kill us..." He let out a faint laugh and began walking down the hall with Chopper.

We left the Ghost and walked through the base we had worked and fought so hard for and soon reached the command center. I accepted the voice transmission and let Fulcrum AKA Agent Kallus speak. "Grand Admiral Thrawn knows that there is a spy inside the Empire feeding you information, it is now only a matter of time he finds out who it is and where your base is and trust me when I say it will be soon. You must find a new base, Fulcrum out." I felt bad that my once nemesis, now ally would soon be discovered to be a 'traitor'. "We need to get Kallus out of there." Ezra said, being as selfless as a Jedi should be. "But how would we? Now that Thrawn knows that there is a spy, I'm sure Kallus and other Imps will be under closer watch. What if Thrawn let him give out that transmission as bait  and he wants us to go to him?" Sabine argued, worried for what may come. "I agree with both of you. But even if there is a risk, we need to get him out. We owe him big time for all the imperial secrets he's given us." Ezra smiled and Sabine sighed. "We need to wait for Kanan and Hera first then we can decide." Sabine said, annoyed that me and Ezra didn't really agree with her. "Good idea Sabine" Ezra said happily. "Do you wanna go paint something with me while we wait for Hera and Kanan to come back?" Sabine asked Ezra. "Sure thing Sabine." They walked out into the sandy plains of the Atollon with Sabine's paint cans whilst Sabine's head was rested on Ezra's shoulder.

"Ugh, I'm happy that didn't invite me! Not my type of fun... " I said to myself. "I guess it's just you and me Choppe- hey! Where are you going!" I shouted down the landing platforms "You can't leave me here all by myself...Why does everyone hate me?" I walked to my favourite part of the base where I had setup a few crates with a music player a while back. I laid back on the chair, put some music on and relaxed, waiting for Hera and Kanan to come back.

A/N: Sorry once again for taking a balzzilion years to update, just got back from the holiday and have been writing little snippets of this in my free time. As always I hope that you've enjoyed Chapter 6 Back to Basics!

Where did Kanan and Hera scout out? Is it a suitable location? Will there been a few surprises for them? - Probably! Find out next time!

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