Memories [Part 2]

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Next Installment so sorry for the long wait. And as I repeated before If you havent read His New Toy then you're not gonna get this story So go back and read it yo!


P.s- Future Chapters will get much more interesting than this


‘The number you have dialled is unavailable. Please leave a message after the beep.’

“Erick, it’s been two days! I’m freaking out where are you!?”

‘The number you have dialled is unavailable. Please leave a message after the beep.’

“Erick this is not funny, call me back.”

‘The number you have dialled is unavailable. Please leave a message after the beep.’

'It’s been two weeks and I’ve left you messages every single day! Just send me a text!”

‘The number you have dialled is unavailable. Please leave a message after the beep.’

“You’ve deleted all your social accounts!? Is it because of me? I’m sorry Erick, I’m so sorry”

‘The number you have dialled is unavailable. Please leave a message after the beep.’

“Now you’ve enrolled somewhere else!? Erick you’re killing me here, please call me back!”


‘The number you’ve dialled is incorrect. Please hang up and try again’

I stared at my phone in disbelief.

This was it.

Erick doesn’t even exist anymore.

My knees give in and I fall to the ground. I have trouble breathing at first but once that’s over the tears start to roll of my face, in no time I crying waterfalls. In a course of two weeks my whole world had fallen apart.




[Max’s POV]

My life felt so incomplete. I didn’t realise how much I depended on Erick and now he had vanished.

Every day I would wait by the front door till ungodly hours hoping he would come home.

But he never did.

Coming home alone to an empty house so full of memories killed me. Trinity and Serenity begged me to stay with them but I still had hope. Hope he would come home again but after almost two years I was starting to lose this hope.

That’s when my habit for hacking came around. I spent hours on the internet everyday successfully accessing places I wasn’t supposed to. I was always good with computers, I was just never interested.


“Son how about you come home and live with us again? I’m really worried about you and besides Trudy and Maddie miss you a lot” Trudy was my dad’s new wife. She was much nicer than my mom and didn’t care about the fact I was gay. She was this short slender woman with dark red hair and greyish eyes. I loved her like a mom.

Tempted [Sequel to HNT]Where stories live. Discover now