It's Not About Me

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Stiles gasped for air. He heard people around him moving around him. He looked around and saw that he was in a hospital room. 

"Hey. It's ok. My name is Dr. Rhodes. I'm gonna take care of you ok?"

Stiles pointed to his oxygen mask. 

"Are Erin or Jay here? I need to them." He said while gasping for air. 

Dr. Rhodes nodded and got them. Just a few seconds later, Erin and Jay came up to him. 

"Hey, Stiles."

"Is everyone ok? Did anyone die?"

Erin and Jay were shocked. They never met a kid like Stiles before. One who would lay down his life for others in an instant. 

"Please tell me they're ok. Nadia and her friends. They were supposed to get out. Are they ok?"

"Yeah, they are." Jay responded. 

"Ok.......good......" Stile breathed out before passing out again. 

Dr. Rhodes and Dr. Choi came back into the room and started CPR. 

"We need an OR stat. This kid does not die today. Not him. Not him." Dr. Choi said. 

They rolled him out of the room and straight to the OR. 

Jay and Erin walked back to the waiting room. Intelligence and Firehouse 51 were called to the library when the 911 call came in. They all saw Erin and Jay go in after Nadia and her friends made it out. What they didn't expect was to see a kid jump in front of a gun to protect the lives of two police officers. 

All of Intelligence and Firehouse 51 was in the waiting room hoping to hear some good news. 

"He's just a kid." Erin said. 

Jay held her close and she leaned on his shoulder. 

Chief Boden, Severide, and Casey walked to the front desk. Stiles had been in surgery for two hours and no one had gotten an update. 

"Excuse me, but we are wondering if we could have any information on Stiles. He was the gunshot victim from Northwestern."

"Yes, one moment please."

She left to the OR in which Stiles was taken and came out a couple minutes later. 

"They just finished the surgery. The doctor will be updating shortly."


They walked back and waited for Dr. Rhodes and Dr. Choi to update them. When they saw the two doctors walking in, everyone stood up. Dr. Rhodes spoke first. 

"He's fine. He's ok." 

Everyone erupted into cheers. 

"Hold on, there's still more. He had two bullets that nicked his arteries. He was very lucky. He's asleep now and will wake up within the hour. He's got a long road ahead of him, but he's going to be ok."

Nadia took a huge sigh of relief and started crying tears of joy into Erin's shoulder. 

Dr. Rhodes and Dr. Choi turned to walk out of the room. Jay turned to Dawson and Voight after they left.

"His name is Stiles Stilinski. He's a Criminology and Law major at Northwestern. Top of the class. He's in his second year now. He's on a full scholarship and plays lacrosse for the University. He's just a kid."

Voight let out a smile of pride when he heard about the kid. He decided that he would visit him first and left the waiting room. When he entered the room, he found the kid in a deep sleep. He took a seat in the chair beside his bed and waited for him to wake up. 

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 14, 2017 ⏰

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