Don't Judge A Book By It's Cover

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The alarm went off at 5:30 in the morning in the single bedroom. Ever since Stiles came to Northwester, his ADHD tendencies have almost vanished. He got up every morning and went for a 8 mile run. When he finished and got ready for the day, he'd spend some time at the dining hall before attending his classes. He got lucky and they were all done by 2pm every day. 

Usually, after his classes, he'd go to the gym, but he decided to go to the library today since there was a test in his Criminal Justice class. 

At first, it sounded like someone popped a bag of chips. The second time however, was a deafening sound of a shotgun. Stiles got up and tried to look at what was happening. The library was a huge building that just had one exit. It wasn't like everyone could run away. 

Stiles took his backpack and began to look around for people who needed help. He found a girl whose leg was crushed underneath a table. He lifted it up and and helped her to the exit. 

"Hey get her out of here." Stiles yelled at another girl. She took the injured girl and left the building. He found a small room from which he could hear small sobs from. He opened it to have three girls and two guys scream. 

He brought his finger up to his lips, telling them to be quiet. He kept his ear to the door and could hear the sound of combat boots approaching them. He turned around to the kids and motioned them to keep quiet. The boots passed the door and continued down the hallway. 

Stiles let out a breath he didn't know he was holding. He turned around to the other kids. 

"My name is Stiles. I'm a student here. I'm not the bad guy. I need you to be really quiet so I can get us out of here, ok?"

They all nodded. 

"Ok, now don't be alarmed, but my dad is the Sheriff in my hometown. That's why I have this." He pulled out a Beretta. 

The other kids were alarmed. "No it's ok. I'm not one of those people out there now. I'm on your side. I have a permit and everything."

The kids seemed to understand, but they were still pretty scared. 

"Ok. What are your names?"

"I'm Drake." One of the boys said. 

"I'm Jack." The other boy said. 




"Ok how do you guys know each other?"

"We are in an english class. Working on a project." Nadia answered. 

Stiles smiles. He looked at the door. 

"Ok. We're going now. I want you to stay behind me." Everyone nodded. 

"If I get shot, run like hell. You got that?"

Everyone nodded. 

"Ok, I'll go first, then Nadia, Kristen, Hannah, Drake, and Jack."

Stiles got up and held his gun in front of him. He opened the door to check if anyone was there. There wasn't. He opened the door and they walked down the hallway. They walked down the stairs. One of the girls wore heels, so Stiles told them to hold it in their hands to not make noise. 

They were close to the exit when they heard a sound behind them. Stiles saw a masked man cocking his gun. 

"RUN!" Stiles yelled. The kids ran as fast as they could to the exit while Stiles kept his gun on the shooter. 

"Put your gun down, man." Stiles said. 

"Why? You don't always get what you want, so no."

"Listen. You didn't kill anyone. You just shot. Plus, you're a college student. If you've got honors, they might let off the sentence a bit. If you put that gun down, you will be saving a lot of lives today."

"I didn't shoot anyone yet because I wanted a show."

The shooter took off his mask. He looked no more than 20 years of age. 

"Why?" Stiles asked.

The man laughed, but kept his gun on Stiles. 

"CHICAGO P.D." A voice shouted. 

"JAY! ERIN!" Nadia yelled. Stiles didn't even notice she was here. He thought she ran when he told her to. 

"PUT YOUR GUN DOWN!" The guy Nadia called Jay yelled at the shooter. 

"YOU TOO." The woman Nadia called Erin said to Stiles. 

"No offense, Detective..." Stiles saw the badge on her belt and the Detective symbol, "but I'm the one who's got a shoot straight through his skull. I'm not putting my gun down until I'm sure he's not going to hurt anyone. I'm on your side."

Erin nodded and put her focus back on the shooter in front of them. 

Stiles decided to talk him out of it. 

"Hey, what's your name?"


"Yeah, what's your name?"


"Alright, Alex. I'm Stiles. I am a student here. Ok, I'm a Criminology and Law major, what about you?"

He seemed to get comfortable. 

"Mechanical Engineering."

"Ok, so why are you doing this? Just give me a reason."

He didn't say anything. 

"Ok, I'm putting my gun down. Can you do it as well? At the same time?"

He nodded. 

"Ok, on three. One, two, three." They both put their guns down. Stiles walked towards Alex until he was only a few feet away from him. 

"Ok, good. Now, let's get out of here without anyone getting hurt, ok?"

He nodded, but just as Stiles walked forward, Alex saw Jay walking up towards him and panicked. Stiles saw him reach behind and pull out a gun. Before anyone could register the fact he had a gun, Stiles jumped in front of the barrel. 

The next thing he knew, he was on the ground, confused as to what was happening. He felt a pain erupting from his chest, almost like it was on fire. 

He touched his chest to feel something wet. When he brought his hand up to his eyes, all he saw was red. 

Jay and Erin took down Alex and called the paramedics for Stiles. 

"Hey, kid.......don't.....up....ok? We'" Erin said while the paramedics came and tended to him. The last thing he saw was a oxygen mask being put onto his face before slowly drifting into a sea of darkness.

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