Part 7: She Knows, Again

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Walking to the Great Hall for breakfast is awkward, to say the least. This late into the morning everyone is already gathered and enjoying their breakfasts, leaving Draco and I as the only two roaming the deserted halls. There's a different air between us now. Last night felt somewhat fluid and playful. Draco and I didn't have to follow our prosaic roles as enemies in the confines of that hidden, dimly lit private bedroom. We could throw insults back and forth along with little bits of private thoughts- it was easy.

This morning, however, in the broad daylight with nothing like Veritaserum as an excuse to overshare or a fireplace to cozy next to, Draco is acting different and I'm sure the same could be said for me. Now, it seems as if a wall has appeared between us, one that's less easy to break through.

Both of our minds must be wandering, because we manage to let the shifting staircases get the best of us, ending up lost more than once. The entire time I'm hoping that Draco will stop and say something, anything to the shorten the distance growing between us. As the clanking of dishes and echos of chatter become louder, my hope begins to dwindle.

Just then, Draco clumsily clears his throat. "So..."

"Yes?" I ask too quickly, making it clear that I was waiting for him to speak.

"I think I should wait out here for a few minutes. You know, so people don't think anything stupid," Draco announces hurriedly. He smooths the front of his robes, as if a wrinkle may give away that I just spent the night in his room.

"Oh," I sigh, trying not to sound disappointed. "Right." I turn to walk away, but Draco's voice interrupts me.

"Oh, and... Potter?"

"What?" I question, becoming slightly irritated. Last night, we were on a first name basis and now we're back to this? I know that I'm probably hungry and coming off of a bad night's rest, but I can't help the slight annoyance that seeps into my mind.

"Remember to cover up the tie," Draco says, while motioning to his own tie wrapped neatly around his neck. Draco had to let me borrow one this morning along with the rest of the school uniform. The only difference in what I'm wearing now is a tie that is silver and green, not my normal Gryffindor colors.

"Yeah, no problem," I snap a little harshly. I hitch up my robe to cover my neck before walking brusquely though the doors, ignoring to odd glances and whispers beginning to buzz in the air. When I finally find my seat I sit next to Ron, slamming my hands down on the table. Ron's dozing head jolts off the table, and it takes him a few seconds to recognize my face.

"Harry!" He yells. "Thank goodness you're alright. We had no idea where you were last night and I was-" Ron stifles a yawn. "I was up all night waiting for you to come back, wasn't I Hermionie? She said I shouldn't worry, but after everything that's happened I wasn't to sure you were going to come back from... wherever it is that you were..." Ron's eyes sag tiredly through his whole explanation, causing a wave a guilt to wash over me.

"I'm sorry Ron. I had no idea..."

"That's alright, mate," he says and begins stuffing his mouth heartily full of breakfast scramble.

"Where were you last night, anyway, Harry?" Hermione inquires smartly. She was so quiet, I almost forgot that she was sitting right across from us.

"Well, hello to you too, Hermione. I'm doing just great this morning, and yourself?"

"Yes, it's quite clear that you're doing great, Harry. No new nicks or bruises, no scratches or tales of near death adventures. It's seems to me that you're perfectly and completely fine, right?"

"Yeah..." I say apprehensively. I'm not really following what she's trying to get across. Clearly neither is Ron by the way his mouth hangs open, allowing crumbs to fall freely.

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