Swasan TS: Are we still Married ? (Part 1)

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Swara's eyes flickered open slowly , as she took in her new surrounding, After some glances she realized, she was in an hospital bed .

And when she tried to remember how she got into the hospital , a agonizing pain in her head made her unable to concentrate and when it became unbearable she let out a ear piercing scream which brought someone's attention towards her.

Swara looked up to see the man coming to her help, and to her disappointment it wasn't the face she wanted to see as soon as she woke up

This was a different face, a face she failed to recognize at first glance . Soon the face got closer and closer and the person was talking something to her which she couldn't understand due to the pain.

She tried to move her hand and pointed it towards her head to indicate where it hurts but she didnt realize how stiff her body had become that the simple action was impossible for her .

The stranger went to bring in the doctor , once he understood her feeble attempts to explain and when the doctors arrived , they gave her pain killer which made her sleepy in minutes .

The doctor assured her that she will be fine when she wakes up ,she heard them but her mind couldn't comprehend it at the moment .

A million questions swirled through her brain but at this moment the pain was more than she can endure. So soon she let the medication work and dozed off. Still Shrouded in mystery .


Sahil was casually seated in the room with a book on his hand waiting patiently for the girl to wake up from her Coma.

He had taken to visit her daily , For the past three months he had tried everything to find out about her but she still remained a mystery.

He considered her as is lucky charm, ever since he saved her from the water that fateful day everything seems to work for him in a positive way.

He was in a deep financial crisis due to an major mistake he committed by trusting a wrong person and decided to end his life on that very same day but finding her that day in the water and saving her as been the best thing he has ever done.

The very same day police caught the person who betrayed him and fortunately he didn't spend most of the money and his business was back on track. From that day on wards he felt this girl was gift send from God to help her.

But she slipped into an coma due to the injuries and he has been waiting patiently for her to wake up the last three months. Because be refused to give up on her .

Today she woke up and in pain which had been the reason he was unable to leave her side even when she drifted back to sleep due to the medication.

And when she woke up again ,he was relieved to find her pain had been considerably reduced to an extent, that she had been able to understand him.

He introduced himself and tod her that he saved her from the river and that she was in coma for over three months and went to bring the doctors again.

She seemed confused by his explanation and he understood how difficult it must have been for her .He saw the doctors ask her few personal questions and write down her answers as the finally had a name and address for the patient .

He heard her name for the first time that day , Swara . And she was quick with her answers that the doctors smiled at her and assured her ,she was fine and there seemed to be no problem with her memory yet insisted they will be running few tests just to be sure until she spoke up surprising Sahil .

" I don't remember what happened to me or why I was found in the river " she told them and the doctors were quick to assure her that it must be to due to the trauma and she will recover those memories and she should not get stressed thinking about it

Due to the fact she didnt remember the incident they asked her some more simple questions which she answered quickly as well ,but even Sahil could see her answer may be fast but they were wrong .

And when the doctors continued their questioning bit more difficult ,she clutched her head in pain that they stopped and gave her a break .

" From what we heard from you , you seem to have lost more memory than we initially assumed , you memory for the past one year is missing at the moment but don't worry ,you will be able to recover them soon once we have the test results .

One last question for the day Miss Swara, Who do you want to contact from your family , We didnt have your information till now that we were unable to notify your family. So tell me and i will make sure i personally call them and gently let them know about you " the doctor asked her ,and Sahil waited to hear it as well .


Few names popped up in swara's brain when the doctor asked the question , her beloved Mother , her dida, her father, her sister, her dadi and her dada.

But she didn't want to call any of them except him , because from the moment the doctors told her ,she had lost a part of her memory ,she began to panic .

He had been the one who came to her rescue when she was in the hospital some time ago and he was the one she wanted to see first.

Swara wanted to let her family know about her because she was sure they would be worried about her , But for now she needs to see him first and everything else she can do later once she finally get to see him.

Doctors have told her she forgot a few months of her life, and she doesn't know how much her life has changed in those months but she hoped and wished that she was still part of his life.

" Just contact one person for me please , His Name is Sanskar Maheshwari. And i hope he hasnt changed his number in the mean time, or else you can contact him in his office, he is the CEO of Karma and Co or i can give you his home number.

Just make sure you contact him and let him know about me and he will contact my family and everyone else that needs to know about me" she answered back ,because she trusted him with all her heart even when her brain seemed to be fuzzy with its memories.

" Okay I will contact him and let him know. You take rest for now and you should be thankful towards Mr Sahil. He has not only saved you but he has been here to visit you every single day, hoping you would wake up ." the doctor informed her as he walked away from the room

Swara turned around and looked at the guy who was standing beside her ever since she woke up, in her confusion she totally forgot to thank him for saving her or introduce herself to him.

" Sorry, i was too lost in my pain and the confusion about what happened to me, i totally forget to thank you. Thank you so much for saving me . I am eternally grateful for your timely help and care." Swara spoke up feeling grateful she was alive.

" No need for Thanks. I did what any normal person would do. So if you don't mind may i ask you a question?, " he asked her and she wondered what he could possibly want to know .

" Sure, you can ask anything"she answered back

"I know the Sanskar Maheshwari you mentioned ,actually all businessman are meant to know him, so how are you two related ?" Sahil asked her leaving swara utterly confused on how to respond back to him

Because it was the one question that haunts her too, the last she remember she was married to him and they were heading for divorce. Did the divorce happened,have they become strangers ,are they still in touch .Even she didn't know the answer to them yet because of her lost memories .

" Honestly i dont know, if we are still related or not, But as far as i remember i am his wife" She spoke up surprising him by her answer .

P.S :" That it for now . Let me know your thoughts and Feedbacks. Hit the votes if you liked it. The second part will be updated soon "

Juanita Reid.

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