SwaSan SS :" Choices {Part 7}"

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Dedicated to ektakhan19 Who doesn't seem to understand how much I love her long comments yet because she keeps saying sorry for them , I am writing this update first when I was supposed to work on Miss X so I can read your feedback ..See your feedbacks are treasured and valued .

One week later ..

Sanskar was restless because he felt like something was wrong with Swara even when he just texted her and got her reply back . He was still nervous and worried because he never seen her breakdown like that before and her tears were like dagger to his heart.

He had promised his family that he would spend two weeks with them , his mother complained that he was working too much and needed a break ,even then he delayed agreeing to it because two weeks without seeing Swara was something he didn't envision at the moment but his mother persistence payed off and he agreed just to appease her .

" You are really not here ..Are You " his sister asked him last night when he failed to listen to her speaking with him as he was lost in his thoughts. She probably wouldn't understand about unrequited love when she just got engaged to her long time boyfriend .

" You should have just brought Rohith ,so that he can listen to you talk non stop " he answered back and regretted it the moment he spoke up because truth was his parents did invite Rohith but it had been Uttara who said she wanted to spend some time with them before her marriage and he has hurt his sister by his words.

Sanskar felt like an idiot even after apologizing to her after that and spending the next two hours talking with her because in truth his sister had been right ,he wasn't able to fully seperate his thoughts from Swara and focus on his family .

" Tell her Son , you can't go on like this .." his mother voice spoke up as she sat beside him ,he didn't know what she was talking about as he turned to see her looking at him with concern .

" Swara..Tell her that you love her , I have thought being away from her would help but apparently your heart is too engaged with her . Don't look at me like that ,I am your mother Sanskar and I know when my son is in love and when he is hurt because the girl he loves fails to see him . " his mother spoke up leaving him shocked because he had always believed he was doing a great job of hiding his emotions because so far Swara couldn't even suspect that her best friend was secretly hoping one day she would wake up and see him as more than a friend .

" It not her fault ma , I am her friend and I shouldn't have loved her " he answered back because truthfully he could never impose his love on her when she offered nothing except friendship .

" How long are you going to hide it away Sanskar , how could you give up with out trying . Talk to her ,tell her how you feel and maybe maybe she would feel the same as well ,how would you know if you keep the walls around your heart intact " his mother spoke up leaving him confused all of a sudden .

Yes he had hoped at times to be brave enough to tell her ,but each of those moments he hesitated because he knew deep down Swara never seen him more than a friend , she talked about her dates and her attempts to find the one but never once asked about his love life , she hadn't shown the least bit of interest about him .

At first he had assumed it was because of Kavitha and she believed he was still not over her and so had told her often about how she helped him move on and tried to tell her with words that he was no longer caught up in his past ,she had been happy for him of course but her mind never settled on to the fact he could love someone else.

He hadn't imagined it was possible at first either , When Swara offered a branch of friendship he accepted it for everything she stood for loyalty ,strength and hope. He needed some of her light as he waddled through his darkness but at the end of tunnel he realized she not only extinguished his darkness but captured his heart as well.

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