Chapter 1- Once Upon A Time

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Author's Notes: This is set during the Olympic Games from How I Fell For Death. It was on Chapter 16 of HIFFD where several games were being held as entertainment. This is where Zeus and Hera's story begins.


The Golden Fields

Mount Olympus


Why did we have to come up with this sort of game?

Which idiot goddess planned this obstacle race? I sat in my golden cage and waited for someone to rescue me. Yes, that was the mechanics of the game named 'Save the Damsel in Distress'." There were several goddesses and the most beautiful nymphs placed on cages that were covered.

Whoever saves the most 'damsels' win. Not only that, those that get saved are obligated to grant their savior's request.

I've been here for a long, long time already and began to lose hope that I will be saved. But I still had to believe in my husband, right? He's the King of the Gods! And even if they all drank an elixir to remove their powers to make this game fair, he could still win over all of them!

That is if he did not get distracted with saving a nymph or two on the way.

I sighed and rubbed my temples. Maybe I should give up, after all. Maybe like my marriage, this game is hopeless.

Suddenly, the door to my cage opened. I grinned and my heart burst with happiness. But when I looked down, it was not my husband who had saved me. It was Thanatos, the God of Death. I saw disappointment in his face and it was clear that he was hoping to save another goddess.

For my sake, he tamped down his disappointment. He then offered me his hand to help me alight from my cage.

Hephaestus joined us and I heard him talk with Thanatos. The two of them spoke in somber tones while they looked at the happy couples all around us. Hades rescued his queen, Aerith and Poseidon had his wife, Amphitrite in his arms.

Ares had Aphrodite and I guess that's what has Hephaestus in such a sour mood. I looked to my right and I saw Zeus holding two beautiful nymphs. He grinned from ear-to-ear and I felt jealousy consume me once more. If I had my powers, there would be two cows grazing the Olympian fields right now.

But I didn't have my powers and this is part of the game. Those that were rescued will have to give whoever rescued them whatever they want.

See? It's a stupid game.

Those that planned this clearly believed that they will be saved by their husbands or lovers. Mine? I guess Zeus didn't want to save little, old me when he can have two beautiful nymphs granting him his desires.

I sighed and moved closer to Thanatos and Hephaestus.

Thanatos' despair mirrored my own. I tried to see who he was looking at and I found out that it was Aurea, Hades' daughter.

"Pity party, huh?" I told both of them with a sad smile. They turned their sad faces towards me and said nothing.

"Thank you for rescuing me, Thanatos. I thought I was going to be there until all of this is over... Imagine my surprise when someone opened my cage."

"But Zeus—" I placed my finger against Thanatos' lips to silence him. I pointed across the meadow to show him Zeus with his two nymphs.

Thanatos pursed his lips in disapproval.

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