Chapter 5- The Lure of Blue Eyes

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The Throne Room
Zeus’ Palace
Mount Olympus



The roar of the thunder was so loud that it almost made me flinch.


But I’m used to it. So I threw one last scathing look towards Zeus before I returned to my throne.

I sat and shot a sideway glance towards Aerith. She winked.

“This went better than we expected,” she told me telepathically.

I only answered with a smile.

For thousands of years, everyone bowed down to Zeus’ will. For thousands of years, I did that too. I counselled him wisely in all his decisions and berated him for his affairs. But for other matters? I let him have his way.

Not anymore.

“So... Shall we start?” Hermes asked.

Everyone looked at Zeus, including me, and the only answer we received was another flash of lightning followed by thunder so loud it made me want to cover my ears. Instead, I just rolled my eyes at another one of his temper tantrums.

“Let’s start.” This time it was Hades’ voice that echoed across the throne room.

Everyone nodded.

“For my report, the Underworld is calm for now. Every day, my queen and I check the prisons in Tartarus to check if anyone else is awakening. Nothing so far.” Hades told the council.

“That’s good news, brother. For my part, nothing to report regarding the oceans so far. I’ve asked everyone under my power to comb the oceans for any sign of Erebus but there’s none.”

“We’ll find him soon. We have to. Before he starts another uprising like Cronus did,” Athena said.

For what seemed like hours, the gods discussed what to do in regard to finding Erebus. He was Cronus’ ally in the last war and we’d have to find him before he starts an even bigger war. I tried to pay attention but during the last wars, Zeus never let me interfere or fight.

He let me fight in the island of the Order because I begged him to. He let me fight in the war with Cronus because my powers were needed to imprison him in Tartarus again. But other than that? Nothing.

Whenever I wanted to interfere, I had to go behind his back.

So for centuries, I learned to ignore battle strategies because I was never going to be a part of it.

For now, I just listened and counted down the time until it was over and I can finally go back to rebuilding my life. Later today, I will go shopping with my friends. Yes, we can conjure anything like clothing and shoes but where’s the thrill in that?

I want to experience shopping. It’s one of the many things I never got to do. And then afterwards, my friends and I will be going to a salon to get pampered.

“Alright, so now that we’ve discussed what to do with Erebus, we’ll move on to another matter: the Olympics,” Hermes said.

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