Chapter 15-Missing

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[Jack's POV]

"Bye Mom!" I yell as I leave the house. I'm going to Punzie's house to surprise her. 

"Bye Jack! Love you!"

"Love you too!"

As I walked to my new silver Jeep Rubicon 2014, an uneasy feeling washed over me. Something felt, I don't know, off? The atmosphere around me felt cold in an unsettling way. I just shrugged it off though. It's probably nothing.

Once I reached Punzie's house, I rang the doorbell and waited. 10 minutes went by and nothing happened. Nobody answered the door. This time, I knocked.

After waiting for 2 more minutes, the door opened slowly. A short figure with dark brown hair appeared, head hunched down, sniffling. I knelt down to Porter's height and saw that his eyes were bloodshot.

"Hey Porter," I said softly. "What's wrong?"

Porter looked at me with sad eyes that were welling up and tears. He suddenly hugged me by the neck and started sobbing softly.

"Shh, It's okay Porter," I whispered in his ear, rubbing his back comfortingly. I carried him inside while he had his arms around my neck, still sobbing.

When I got to the living room, I saw Elizabeth, Rapunzel's mom, sitting on the couch with her head in her hands. She was crying. Her sobs were muffled by her hands. I think she felt my presence as she looked up. Her were also bloodshot from all the crying.

"Jack." Her voice cracked as she said my name. Her eyes started tearing up again. I could tell she was trying to hold it in, but couldn't any longer. Tears started flowing freely from her eyes as she cried and cried. I put Porter down beside his mom. He snuggled up to her as she continued crying. I sat on a love-seat opposite them.

After a few more minutes, she had stopped crying. The room was eerily quiet, the atmosphere feeling very tense.

"Mrs. Corona," I started, breaking the silence, "What's wrong?"

"R-Rap-pun-nze-el i-is m-mis-sin-ng," she stuttered, trying her hardest not to sob again. "And please, call me Elizabeth."

"Missing?" My heart started beating at an abnormal pace. My hands started going clammy and my breathing was uneven. "What do you mean missing?"

"She wasn't in her room this morning," Porter answered softly. I could see small tears escaping his eyes. Elizabeth wrapped an arm around Porter's shoulder, trying to comfort the boy. It was heartbreaking to see the scene before me.

"There wasn't a note or anything?" I asked. They looked at me and shook their heads.

I stood up from the couch and ran out the door. I could hear Porter and Elizabeth yelling at me, but I didn't hear what.

As I ran, my surroundings started to fade away and I couldn't hear anything but the ringing in my ears. I didn't know where I was going. I didn't really care.

My lungs burned as I ran faster to nowhere. My legs ached and begged for mercy, but I didn't show any. My heart was beating faster than ever it has. Tears fell from my eyes as the cold air whipped my face.

Finally, I gave up. I stopped to look around and see I was in the park. The same park that Rapunzel and I broke up the first time, and hopefully the last.

I sat and curled up into a ball on the grass. I just stayed there, trying to think of where Punzie could be.

"You're gonna find her," I kept muttering under my breath, rocking back and forth. I bet the people in the park probably thought I was crazy or something, but I didn't care. Nothing felt important except the fact that my girlfriend is missing.

"Hey mister," I heard a voice say. It sounded like a little girl's.

"Mister!" the little girl raised her voice. I lifted my head and looked at her with my probably bloodshot eyes.

"Finally," she muttered. She looked to be around 7 or 8 years old. Her ginger hair was up in a high pony tail. She wore a slightly baggy jeans, a neon green hoodie, and a pair of blue Jordans. She stood there with her hands on her hips, a small scowl apparent on her heart-shaped face. 

"What do you want?" I asked with a raspy voice, making it sound ruder than I intended.

"I just wanted to know what's wrong," she answered in a matter-of-fact tone.

"What's your name?" 

"Why should I tell you?" she said in a snarky tone. " I don't even know you." Her attitude was really irritating.

"Well, for one, you came up to me and asked what was my problem. I don't want to call you girl every time I need to say your name." I smirked at her as she thought about what I said.

"Sienna." She stuck her hand out for me to shake.

"The name's Frost. Jack Frost," I said, trying to sound like James Bond, making Sienna giggle. I stuck my hand out and shook her hand. Her hand felt small and somewhat fragile.

 "So what's your problem?" She sat down beside me on the damp ground. It did just rain yesterday, plus the winter chill isn't helping it dry up.

"My girlfriend is missing," I mumbled, trying to hide my emotions. I don't want to burst out sobbing in front of this kid. 

"Are you gonna try to find her?" 

"Of course," I replied.

"Then what're you doing here, sitting in the park, talking to an 8 year old?" I looked at her ans stayed silent. My mouth opened, but no words came out.

"Go find her." Sienna tried pushing me up, but failed. I got up and put my hand out to help Sienna up. 

"I will," I said to her and I ran away. I didn't know where I was going, but I didn't care. I must find Rapunzel.

.....................................................................................................................................................................................Hey teddybears! I'm sooo sorry for not updating. I've been busy. Plus I had some problems, but I don't want to bore you with my personal life.

OH. MY. GOSH! OVER 4,000 READS!!!! I'M FREAKING OUT RIGHT NOW!!!! Thank you guys so much for that!

Whaddya guys think of Sienna? You might see more of her in the later chapters. I'm not  sure.

DQ: What's Rapunzel's last name is this story?

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YOU PEOPLE ARE AMAZING!!-Future Mrs. (insert surname here) [Idk what last name to write]

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