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   It all started with a laugh.
       Now when you think of a laugh typically you think of it as positive, as if someone is laughing  at a joke. This was not that typical type of laugh.

      Tears streamed down the face of the man, who was on his knees clutching a human body in his arms. He looked up as if asking for a favor or wishing for a miracle. Waiting for some higher power to speak words, that would save the one clutched tight in his lap.

No words were spoken.

    Not a single word that indicated another being was there. And as the man still looks up to the at the sky he finally lets his sobs echo through the space. They are nasty sobs, the ones that scream with pain and sound like an animal herded into a corner. Then they change eventually to  hiccuped child-like sounds. As if it was a child was crying for their mother. As the light shone on, the mans sobs began to fade as his voice left him. His tears were gone yet he still clutched the blonde close to his chest.

   Guarding her body from anyone to take or touch. He clutched her head to his chest and kissed her forehead telling the cold body that it was alright. Everything was going to be ok. Yet this man knew that she could not hear him any longer, he had known this for a while. He dared to look down at her and he gasped .

    Her lips were parted as if she was asleep, and eyes closed as if she was relived of a heavy burden. Her skin still shone in the impossible light that shed down from the ceiling. With her hair all out of place and wisps of it in her face, she still shone with beauty. As he looked down at her his tears resurfaced and began to fall.


    A sad smile broke out into his face as he looked down at his beloved, then his eyes closed.



"Are you listening to me?"


The Doctor snapped out of his daze and looked down at the one that called him. In disbelief he looked down at the one that called him. There she was in all her beauty and glory.  With  her flowing hair that shone like a dull gold. Her eyes that spoke to many things at once he could never try to understand. When she saw she had gotten his attention she paused.

"Are you alright?". It was such a simple question, the Doctor then felt the first of few. He reached up to touch his face and felt a tear, then another fell, and another.

A bit of Doctor Who angst for anyone who's interested
I DO NOT OWN THE DOCTOR WHO PLOT OR SHOW OR ANY OF THE CHARACTERS! I did write the story though(the one here).

But other than that happy Valentine's Day

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