Chapter One

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Evans POV

So today is the start of my new school. Yay. I've never liked school. I get up and head to the bathroom to get ready to take a shower. I take off my Trousers and Boxers and head into the shower, now turning on the water. The water is cold at first but I don't mind. I finish showering and head downstairs drying off my hair to put some toast in my toaster. I then rush upstairs but on some fresh boxers and put on Jeans and a Otter shirt. I head back downstairs and butter my toast and eat it quickly, grabbing my phone, keys and my wallet. I lock my apartment door and head down to where my car is parked. My Black and Red Mercedes. I hop in turning it on and playing my favorite songs. The first one that came on was Tag your it × Primagirl - Nightcore . Its NY favorite song at the moment so yeah. I head down the street in my car and arrive at the huge school. I get out, turn the car off along with the radio, lock my car and head to the reception where I got girls looking at me sexually. Did I mention I am Bisexual? No? Well now you know. I'm more into guys but I can hook up with a girl if need be. I walk up to the lady at the front desk and ask:
"Can I have my TimeTable?"
"Why, yes dear, what is your name?" She asked looking threw her computer.
"Evan Fong" I said. She prints out a peice of paper and hands it to me. I take a look at my timetable and see I have English, Math then Science. Yay. English is OK but Math sucks. Science is my favourite lesson. Also, I am in Year 10. I walk up to someone who is reading and ask them:
"Where is Maths?'' He looks up and he is wearing a broken blood stained             mask that looks like Jason's from Friday the 13th. He gets up without word and grabs my arm, pulling my to a set of stairs and pointing up them.
"Is that where Math is?" I ask politely.
"Yes," He says with boredom in his voice "I'm Delirious, by the way." He holds out his hand. I shake it.
"I'm Evan," I say eyeing him "Is Delirious isn't your actual name is it?"
"Well, no. I like to keep that a secret" he says winking at me. He walks off and a bell goes off.
Can all students go to lessons now, thank you
Wow. Cool system. I walk upstairs and see I'm in M4. I head there and bring out a book I got handed by the Principal the day before. I show her and I enter, sitting where I am meant to in a seating plan.

I was sitting next to a boy with brown hair and he looked young, and sounded young because of his voice. It was very high pitched. Weird. I asked him what his name was and he replied with:
"Hi! My name Lui. Whats yours?"
"Hello, Lui, I'm Evan. Why is your voice so... High pitched?" I questioned, him looking at me with green gleaming eyes.
"Oh, I can change my voice, weirdly." He says in his natural tone I guess. I look at the teacher who was talking about Pythagoras Theorem which I've learned about already. I play with my pencil and my vision goes white and turns back to its original color, during this the room went bright, my angel wings came out out and went back in. Everyone was shocked and scared and I was breathing heavily. Lui was calming me down and trying to get me to breath slowly and asking what's wrong. I look up at Lui and say I'm fine. I then raise my hand.
"Nurses office?" I asked getting paler by the second.
"Go and take Lui" She said not looking at me. We walked to the nurses office and Lui knocked then entered. She looked at me shocked.
"What happened?!" She asked, checking my temperature.
"No clue" I reply, sitting down on the bed, waiting for what's happening next. She walks in and asks me what I am, Angel or Devil. I reply Angel, which is what I am. She walks out and comes back in with a glowing needle and injects into me, causing me to jump. She takes it out and my vision goes blurry and the world turns black as I fall into a deep Coma.

Okay, so first chapter. I'm sorry if its horrible, I suck at this. I really do. This is a collab book with BigFoodStyle :D love ya BFF :3 baii for now!

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