Lesson One: How to Deal with Life Changing News

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To lightning_blossom77, I'm sorry, but I saw that another book was titled 'Pieces of My Life' so I didn't use that.. But this chapter is still dedicated to you for your awesomeness! :D <3


"Kiley, we have some bad news," Dr. Murphy said, closing the door.

I was sitting on the edge of the doctor's exam table, swinging my legs. I was back in the doctor's, a couple weeks after I had surgery. About a month ago, I wasn't able to breath, so I was rushed to the ER. After having surgery, I was better, and I was recovering well, if I do say so myself. But when Dr. Murphy said this, I looked up quickly.

"What's the bad news?" I asked, scared.

He sighed, holding up a bunch of papers in a folder. "We got the test results back, from when we were doing your surgery, and they're not pretty."

"Spit it out already, doc!" I hated how he was beating around the bush.

"Here," Dr. Murphy handed me the folder. "You might want to look at this."

I opened the folder, flipping the papers. None of this made much sense to me.

"Kiley, you have terminal lung cancer. You have 6 months to live."

I looked up at Dr. Murphy, wide-eyed. The folder slipped from my hands, dropping the papers on the ground. My mouth opened, but no words came out. Opening and closing my mouth made no difference, no words came to me.

Dr. Murphy was looking at me with pity in his eyes. Leaning over, he patted my hands. "I know this is hard to take in but-"

"You do? How, exactly? Have you been diagnosed with a terminal disease, one that gives you 6 months- at the most- to live? Have you?!" I screamed at him, jumping up and pacing. "No! I bet you haven't. You don't know how I feel right now, so don't even try to pretend to know how I feel, because you aren't fooling either of us!"

"Kiley, calm down-"

"Why the hell would I calm down?!" I shrieked. "I just found out I'm going to die in a few months!"

"This is a common reaction to people who are in the same situation as you right now," offered Dr. Murphy.

"And is this always your reaction?" I countered. "Are you always this calm when you tell people the date of their death?!"

"Just sit down and lets talk about this rationally, Kiley."

"Forget about rational talk, doc. I'm going to die!"

"Well, you won't die right this very second."

"Oh," I scoffed, "I'm so sorry about that, doc. That doesn't help much."

"Kiley, just sit down so we can talk this out. You might start having questions about this later, but I'm here right now if you want to ask me anything now."

I sat down, sighing wearily. "There's really nothing you can do, doc? Not even another surgery or something?"

"I'm afraid not, Kiley," Dr. Murphy said sadly.

"But, how did you know it really is terminal cancer?"

"It's on the papers I handed you. The test results say 'terminal cancer', they even show a picture of it."

 Staring at the papers on the ground, I looked over at Dr. Murphy. "Those papers?" I asked, pointing at all the papers scattered on the ground.

Dr. Murphy chuckled quietly. "Yes, those papers."

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