Valentine's Day

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"You know fully well that I prefer not to make a huge fuss for Valentine's day, Gregory." Mycroft said from behind his morning newspaper.

"I know, I know. But we ought to go, Myc. John's booked a restaurant specifically and it doesn't have to be a date – your brother's going too, so there's not a lot that can happen."

"Why would I want to spend Valentine's day in the company of my little brother? Honestly, my love I think we'd be far better to spend an evening at the theatre – I think Evita's currently on tour..."

"We're going, Myc."

And so it was settled. Mycroft wasn't in the mood to argue, particularly with the love of his life.

After that the day seemed to drag by for both of them: For Greg, it was a long, hard day at the office. Firstly, Andserson had brought in flowers and chocolates for Sally and Sally on the other hand had brought in flowers and chocolates for Jeff Hurst (another member of the forensics team). Needless to say, the situation was horribly awkward, but highly amusing for Greg, who tried his best to calm everyone down without bursting into laughter. Then, he walked into the bathroom to find Anderson and Peony Waters (ground floor secretary) crushed up against the wall, practically eating each other's faces - not something he'd ever wanted to see.
Mycroft, however was plagued by both the prime minister and Lady Smallwood. First thing in the morning, the prime minister wandered into his office and demanded that he hand over several of the highest security government files. Unfortunately, the prime minister didn't have the authorisation to receive them.
"For God's sake, I'm the prime minister Mycroft Holmes. Give me the bloody files!" The PM said. It took half an hour of reading detailed documents on security clearance before the PM finally gave up and left, although not before saying:
"Happy Valentine's Day, Mr Holmes. Have a lovely evening with your wife." He couldn't help but shout out:
"I'm gay!"
Then, Lady Smallwood pestered him for what seemed like an eternity. She was quite determined to ask Mycroft out for a date, despite his indignant protests that he was already in a long term relationship and most definitely not interested in women.
"Just for a drink, Mr Holmes! Or how about lunch at a nice restaurant? I could book a table for us at Hélène Darroze?"
"If you could please leave, Lady Smallwood. I have an awful lot of work to be getting on with."

When finally the evening came, both men were almost exhausted. Greg had arrived at their house slightly earlier than Mycroft, so had switched the kettle on and was making two strong, sweet coffees.
The doorbell rang, and Greg looked up with a broad smile - Myc was home!
He practically threw the door open and buried himself in Mycroft's open arms, drawing him into a loving embrace, so desperately needed after such a tedious day. For a moment, the pair said nothing, but enjoyed the warmth and comfort of their hug, Myc nuzzling his head into Greg's welcoming shoulder.
"I've missed you today, my love..." Mycroft murmured in Greg's ear.
"I've been so lonely without you..." Greg replied, placing his hands on his lover's face. The two shared a gentle kiss and made their way inside to prepare for the evening.
"I have no idea what to wear, Greg. I'm afraid to wear a suit - might it be too formal?"
"Myc, you know I think you look gorgeous whatever you wear."
"Please give me some advice, love - I'm quite literally clueless."
"Well how about a shirt, suit and tie without the waistcoat?"
"Perfect. What are you going to wear, Gregory?"
"Me? Shirt and tie I guess..."
"Close your eyes and hold out your hands." Mycroft hopped across the room, opened up his drawers and pulled out a perfectly wrapped package he'd been hiding for weeks.
"Can I open them?"
"Not yet." Then, Myc quickly ran out of the room and into his study. On his windowsill, he'd been growing several perfect red roses. Carefully he plucked one from the vase and walked back to the bedroom where Greg was still waiting, eyes closed and arms outstretched. Mycroft laid the rose on top of the present.
"Can I open them now, love? I feel like I've been here for days!" Greg chuckled.
"Yes, love." Myc said, a little nervous about what Greg's reaction would be.
Greg smiled at the rose and eagerly opened the neatly wrapped package.
"Oh, Mycroft! It's so perfect!" Greg gasped as a crisp new shirt, tie and jacket unfolded in front of him. They carried a heavy aroma of new clothing and, strangely, lavender. When Greg questioned it, Myc said,
"I had them sprayed with a little linen perfume - I hope you don't mind." Myc said shyly. Greg simply answered with a long, lingering kiss which Mycroft sank into blissfully.

They met John and Sherlock outside the restaurant. It was a lovely, clear night and the sky was dotted with billions of stars. A small ensemble of instruments were playing in the foyer, and the group was greeted with sparkling champagne flutes and a courteous waiter.
"Evening John!" Greg smiled, firmly shaking John's hand.
"Good to see you, Greg. Glad you and Mycroft could come." John replied, nodding towards Mycroft who was fixated upon his brother.
"Good evening, brother mine." He said, shortly.
"Good evening, Mycroft." Sherlock muttered with a scowl, clearly unhappy with the presence of his older brother.
"Can't you two just relax for an evening? It's Valentine's Day!" John interjected.
Greg closed his hand around Mycroft's and gave it a small squeeze. He knew how upset Myc sometimes felt when Sherlock was being his uncaring self.
Sherlock rolled his eyes and said nothing, until John whispered in his ear. Then, he promptly turned around and said:
"Good evening, my dear brother! How are you? And Gavin, excellent to see you!" He leaned in to John and said,
"How was that?"
"Bit much but better than before. Oh, and it's Greg, not Gavin."

They were seated at a large table, laden with fresh flowers and flickering candles. A lively buzz filled the atmosphere as couples poured into the restaurant and occupied the many tables. Greg was almost used to such finery by now, having lived with Mycroft who regularly treated them to fanciful dining experiences. John, however looked around in awe at the magnificence of the decor: it was Sherlock who had recommended the restaurant.
Soon a waiter came and took their orders. Once the drinks were poured and the party had settled, John addressed the table.
"Now, Lock and I have a small... Announcement to make... Um, you see-"
"John and I are getting married." Sherlock finished for him.
"Well, congratulations! That's wonderful news! Do you know a date yet?" Greg beamed at the two of them.
"We're thinking late August - when the leaves are just starting to go orange." John replied, his face glowing with happiness.
Mycroft and Sherlock stared calculatingly at each other.
"Well?" Sherlock said questioningly. Mycroft raised his glass.
"I think it's perfectly wonderful, brother mine. I wish you both all the best." He smiled, genuinely and led a toast to Sherlock and John.
Mycroft, sitting opposite to Greg, looked longingly into his eyes. Suddenly, he was having strange new thoughts about marriage. Previously, they'd agreed that it was just a piece of paper, however now he thought about it, Greg had seemed quite keen. He felt there might be something very comforting about a wedding band, something that was perhaps missing from their current relationship.
He continued to look at his partner, taking in every beautiful detail. He longed to lean across the table and kiss his love, right there in front of his oh-so-superior brother, in front of everyone, so they could see just how much he loved his dear Gregory.
From the other side of the table, despite being in an active conversation with John, Greg kept catching small glimpses of Myc at every possible moment. At one point, their eyes met, a moment charged with so much energy and emotion. Even though neither said a word, it was quite clear what the message was: I love you.

As they left the restaurant, Mycroft just managed to give Greg a small kiss: just on the cheek, accompanied by a firm hand squeeze. Still, both of them wanted more. The taxi drive home was almost agony, and Myc managed to barely content himself by resting his head on Greg's shoulder and whispering a few carefully chosen loving words.
As soon as they entered their home, Mycroft shoved Greg up against the wall. Greg shouted out in surprise, but soon settled into Myc's action. Myc kissed with burning passion, pinning Greg against the wall. Greg returned the kiss, wrapping his arms around Myc's waist and pulling him in closer, needing him.
They kissed all the way to the living room where Greg finally got the upper hand, pushing Myc firmly into a chair. He placed himself in the centre of Myc's lap and turned to face his beautiful lover.
"I love you, Myc." He sighed, kissing his neck gently.
"I love you too."

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