†Episode 15†

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  I was standing in a cafe surrounded by the host club, it was the day of Haruhi's date and Tamaki and Kaoru wanted to spy on them.
"I am not doing that, Hikaru and Haruhi's date should be private we shouldn't follow them around!" I exclaimed.
"Come on Miskai don't you want to see what happens?" Kaoru whinned. I shook my head and crossed my arms over my chest. I did want to know what would happen but it was wrong.
"No way if Haruhi wants me to know she will tell me about it later, I am not going to spy on her, I will talk to you guys tomorrow, I will take no part in this." I told them then leaving the cafe. I walked around for while not paying attention and not knowing what to do. I turned the corner only to run into someone and fall to the ground on my butt.
"Oh I'm sorry." A familiar voice said. I looked up to see Kurai.
"No I'm sorry Kurai, What are you doing here anyway?" She looked up and confusion crossed her face.
"Misaki? What are you doing here? And I come here every summer my family owns a beach side house. I came to get away from my siblings they were driving me nuts." She explained I nodded and got to my feet holding out a hand for her. She took it.
"What am I doing here? On of my dad's friends owns a Bed and Breakfast so I am working there for the summer so my dad can keep track of me." I rolled my eyes and she laughed.
"That's cool. Do you work today?" I shook my head. "Alright then lets go!" She grabbed my arm and began pulling me in the opposite direction that she was going, she opened the door to a limo and pushed me in.
"Kurai? Where are we going?" I asked as she got into the limo beside me.
"Shopping! Then to the beach!" She told me happily. I looked at her as if she had just grown another head. I didn't have any money.
"But I don't have any money," I told her. She shrugged and looked at me.
"You don't need money, I'll pay that's what friends are for." She told me seriously.
"Alright I guess." I said nervously. "Thank you,"
"No problem, Driver to nearest mall please," We began to talk about our summers, what we had done, and people from school that we had seen. The driver stopped at a huge mall and Kurai and I thaned him. We got out and went into the first store we saw. Which was a bathing suit store.
"Alright try this one one and I will try this one on," SAhe passed me a dark pink bathing suit and she took a peach colored one. I didn't argue I went to the changeroom and put the bathing suit on.
"I don't know, it doesn't look very good," I told her,
"Come out I wanna see it," I opened the door and came out, she was in the peach colored bathing which she informed me she was going to buy.
"It looks good but it doesn't do anything for you, you want to look hot, so try this one one," She passed me an orange one. I put it on then came out. She squeeled, "I love it that's the one, I'm buying it for you," She told me, then she pushed me back into the changeroom, I smiled and changed back into my clothes.
"Are you sure you want to buy me this?" I asked
"Yeah and we aren't done this was only the first store, we still have a whole mall to go through," I came out of the changeroom in my normal clothes. I held the bathing suit, which she quickly took from me, and paid for, then she handed me a bag. I thanked her and took it, we continued to walk around the mall going into shops and buying outfits and jewelry. We ended up going back to the limo at noon after eating sushi, then the driver took us to the beach, when we got there we saw Kurai's little sister sitting on the porch of there house.
"Kirimi what are you doing here?" Kurai asked with a sigh.
"I came to see big sister and her friends and spend the day with them!" Kirimi exclaimed with a smie. She was in her bathing suit and she had water wings on.
"Alright Kirimi, Misa-chan lets go change into our new swimsuits and go down to the beach," I nodded grabbing the bag with my beach suit. I was about to grab the other 4 bags I had but Kurai stopped me. "Don't worry about it we can take the same limo back to you place," I nodded she showed me to a washroom where I could change, I got into the bathing suit then met her and Kirimi on the beach. The three of us made sandcastles and stuff like that.I put down a towel and sat watching Kirimi play in the water.
"So you and Takashi? Whats up with that are you dating yet?" A voice asked from beside me I looked up and saw Kurai, she sat down beside me. I blushed at her question but shrugged, I told Takashi I wouldn't tell anyone and even if she is pretty much my best friend.
"Ugh Takashi and I? no we aren't," I lied.
"You liar!" She shrieked happily.
"I am not there is nothing going on between Takashi and I!" I defended trying to seem angry.
"Not yet!" She teased.
"What about you and Kyoya?" I countered with a smirk. I saw pink reach her cheeks.
"What about me and Kyoya?" She asked quietly
"Whats the word?" I asked looking back to the ocean.
"That's just it, there are no words, haven't spoken to him since school. I don't think it will work out." She explained sighing. I put a reassuring hand on her shoulder.
"Don't say that you just need to act like you hate him a little less." I told her, she looked at me almost as if she was about to cry but then a smile reached her face and we both burst into laughter. Our laughter was silenced when we where both covered in cold ocean water, I looked up through my soaking wet hair to see Kirimi with a giant empty bucket, she was laughing.
"Kirimi!" Kurai whinned. I laughed, it wasn't long before Kurai started laughing to. I finally felt like I belonged, like I had friends who I hadn't met because of my sister. Life couldn't get any better I had a wonderful boyfriend, a best friend and a life that never bored me. Hours passed it began to rain and thunder, so we went inside, an hour later it was time for me to head back to the bed and breakfast, Kurai sat in the limo with me, as we talked about the day.
"Thanks for hanging out with me today and buying me the clothes, I really appreciate it." I told her happily holding the bags.
"It was nothing, thanks for coming with me. I had a lot of fun. I don't really have a lot of friends and I was glad that you were willing to spend time with me," I nodded in agreement. We pulled up to the bed and breakfast.
"This is my stop, I will see you in school." I grabbed my bags and got out of the limo, "Thanks again," I waved.
"Keep me updated" Kurai called as the limo drove away. I happily brought my things to my room then went downstairs in my newest outfit.
"Where did you go all day?" Haruhi asked. I noticed that she was soaking wet and had a cup of hot chocolate along with Hikaru.
"I was hanging out with a friend. Are you alright you didn't get caught in the storm did you?" She nodded, I frowned and sat beside her at the table with the rest of the club.
"That's great, you met a new friend who are they?"
"Kurai Nekozawa from school. We went shopping and to the beach." I told her happily.
"You mean the scary one who is like the double of Kyoya?" Tamaki asked with wide eyes. I put a finger on my chin, I guess she was.
"I guess." I told them unsurly. "I am exausted I am going to go to bed now, I will see you guys tomorrow," I waved.
"Goodnight Misa-chan!" Honey called happily I saw Takashi nod. The rest waved.
"It's nice she found another friend," I heard Tamaki say.

The next morning I was back to working, I served the host club some breakfast along with some other customers.
"What's up?" I heard a voice ask I turned to see Arai at the door, Haruhi was the first to respond.
"Hey, good morning, Arai." He was holding a giant watermelon.
"I brought you a watermelon. My Uncle's got the best in town." He explained.
"Oh Wow! It's huge!" Honey shouted going up to the two, everyone else went up to them to.
"It's certainly an impressive melon." Tamaki told him. Hikaru walked up to the group and everyone went quiet. He apologized and Arai handed him the melon.
"Thanks a lot." Hikaru said nervously. Looks like everything turned out alright. This was by far the best summer ever. I got back to my job letting Haruhi take a break and talk with everyone.  

Silence Speaks Louder Than Words Takashi (Mori) Morinozuka Love StoryWhere stories live. Discover now