†Episode 6†

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"Haru-chan? Are you alright?" I looked for the source of the voice and saw a five year old version of myself, I was standing in our kitchen and looking under the table where Haruhi was hiding. Haruhi had a blanket over her head and was shaking, rain poured outside and thunder boom loudly. "Haru are you afraid of the storm? Don't worry it cant hurt you," I told her crawling under the table and crawling under the blanket. She hugged me tightly jumping every time the thunder boomed.

"Misa-chan I'm scared," she stuttered. I looked at her
"Don't worry Haru-chan mommy will come home and protect us," I told her she looked up at me,
"Don't you remember what daddy said, he said mommy was sick that we wouldn't be able to see her anymore," Haruhi said with tears rimming her eyes. I do remember my father saying that but I don't know what I thought he meant what he had said but I knew I would see mommy again. Mommy had to come back.
"No Haru-chan mommy will come back, she promised she would be fine," I said looking at her a bit shocked, I moved out from under the table, Haruhi hestitantly followed. Her eyes began to narrow and tears poured from them.
"No Misaki she isn't coming back ever, daddy told us so," she told me obviously getting frustrated at my rejections.
"Haru-chan stop lying!" I shouted angrily at her. The real me frowned. This was when it all started. I had been in denial about my mother's death, my mother spent a bit more time with me then she had with Haruhi.
"I'm not lying Misa grow up and accept the truth mom is gone! I heard dad tell the landlady that she died! Misa that means we cant see her ever again!" Haruhi and I were both crying, the thunder boomed and Haruhi hid under the blanket again. I backed away with wide eyes then ran to my room, locked the door and cried myself to sleep. I remembered that day as if it were yesterday; my relationship with Haruhi had only gotten worse after that. Everytime we spoke to each other we yelled, we had even told each other that we hated each other once. I had been sent to school with Haruhi and I stuck to her like glue. Her friends were rude to me, everyone was. One day Haruhi had gotten annoyed that I was following her and being with her friends. She had yelled at me and I ran away crying, the kids threw rocks at me as I did. I immediately heard Haruhi follow me. She was shouting apologizes but I kept running until I was home, I had locked myself in my room I cried constantly I had locked the door and wouldn't come out. That was the point in time when I wouldn't talk to Haruhi. I hadn't even looked at her and I didn't go to school I had told my dad I was sick. It was only when Haruhi told me that the kids at school were bullying her that we began to talk again. I had apologized, we both had, She came home from school one day saying that a boy had purposely threw a ball at her head, it wasn't that bad but we were five so yeah she was upset. I had told her that I would always protect her and be there for her and we promised that we would never fight again. Our dad had let us change schools because the bullying had gotten to bad, and everyone had immediately loved Haruhi but they didn't like me, I was bullied again but this time they only did it when Haruhi wasn't looking so she never knew, that's when I became more distant, I didn't tell anyone that I was being bullied and I gave up trying to fit in and be accepted by everyone. Maybe if I tried harder and didn't give up I would have, but I had given up. None of that mattered though because Haruhi and I hadn't fought again, we had smaller arguments but never fought like we had after our mother died. I still don't quiet understand everything that had happened or why we both had gotten so angry at each other, but it had happened, and it had brought Haruhi and I closer so I was glad.

"Misa-chan, Misa-chan," I was snapped out of my thoughts by Honey's voice, I looked down at the small boy. Everyone was dressed up differently today, they were all still in costume.
"Yes Honey-pie?" I asked using my new nickname for him and ruffling his hair.
"Well nothing, its' just the Host Club ended and you had a really distant look in your eyes," He said jumping on my. I stumbled back a bit and caught him in my arms. He laughed.
"Mitsukuni, are you bothering Misa-chan?" I turned to see Takashi walking towards us. I looked at Honey and his eyes were rimmed with tears.
"I'm sorry Takashi, I'm sorry Misa-chan I didn't mean to bother you," He said starting to cry. I hugged him tightly.
"Honey you didn't bother me don't worry about it," I said smiling at him. He wiped the tears from his eyes. Our conversation came to a close when the twins spoke up.
"Oh, it's just a kid." Hikaru sighed.
"Not only that, it's just a boy." Kaoru finished. I looked to the door to see an elementary boy with brown hair and eyes, he seemed to be glaring at us, not just one of us but all of us. I wonder what he was doing here so late after school.
"What's wrong, little boy? Did you come to my palace in search of something?" Tamaki asked.
"Are you the king of this place?" The boy asked. Tamaki let out a shocked but satisfying sigh.
"Well are you?" He asked. I could tell he was getting a tad annoyed.
"Come closer, lost one. What was it you just called me, little boy?" Tamaki asked.
"The king." The boy responded.
"Oh, the king! Yes, I am the king of the Ouran host club. Long live the host king!" Tamaki said happily. Oh dear kid what did you do? Tamaki already had a big head.
"I'm an elementary 5th-year, Shiro Takaoji! I want the host club king to take me on as an apprentice." I looked at him a bit shocked.

The next day came and I watched Tamaki seduce a girl with Shiro watching.
"I remind you of a mermaid?" I heard her ask with a blush on her cheeks.
"You look more like the carp that swim in my pond at home. I'd never give false compliments like that." Shiro said. Tamaki tried to calm the girl down but ended up making it worse. She ran from the room.

"Man, what a crybaby." Shiro exclaimed. I gave him a small glare, what was it this boy wanted to achieve by being with the Host club he cant go around insulting people like that, its' just plain rude. There has to be more to this boy then he is letting on, Haruhi must know it to.
"So how's it going, boss? That's an adorable little apprentice you got there." Hikaru said as he and his brother walked over to Tamaki and his apprentice.
"Hikaru, do you wish you had a little brother like Shiro?" Kaoru said with sadness dripping from his voice.
"Don't be silly. I could search the globe and I'd never find a better brother than you, Kaoru." Hikaru said grabbing his brothers chin.
"Hikaru." Kaoru said. I rolled my eyes slightly and continued to serve tea.
"Look, they're doing it."
"Forbidden brotherly love."
"They're homos! And they're brothers! That makes them totally "insectuous"." Shiro exclaimed.
"I think what you meant to say was incestuous." Tamaki said.
"Come on the maid has to agree with me she's rolling he eyes!" Shiro shouted, my eyes widened a bit.
"Don't call Misa-chan a maid she's a waitress very different!" Tamaki scolded.
"Do you have a problem with our acts Misa-chan?" The twins asked appearing on either side of me.
"I.. Uh no I just," I started. Hikaru let out a chuckle and put a finger on my chin so I was facing him, I quickly broke away from him and his brother making them both fall forewords. I rolled my eyes again.
"Hey Shiro-chan! You wanna have a piece of cake with me? We've got three kinds, chocolate, strawberry, and lime." Honey said hugging him. Shiro moved away from him pushing him away. Poor Honey-pie, I thought to myself.
"Hey back off! What grade are you in anyway? Why are you wearing a high school uniform?" Shiro asked, well more like yelled at Honey.
"Something wrong, Mitsukuni?" Takashi asked.
"That's not fair! A little kid like you isn't supposed to have a cool older friend like him!" Shiro said. I walked over putting my tray down and picking up Honey, who grabbed onto my neck happily.
"Are you all right? It's kind of hard getting used to all the weirdos around here." I started saying to Shiro.
"It took me a while to get adjusted to all the craziness. So don't freak out." Haruhi said coming up behind me
"I'm sure you'll get used to it." We both said together we looked at each other a bit shocked then we smiled.
"Something wrong?" Haruhi asked.
"Are you a cross dresser?" Shiro asked Haruhi, surprise crossed my face for a moment but I regained my usual face quickly. I le tout a laugh.
"No Shiro my brother is not a cross dresser," I told him he looked at me.
"Brother?" He asked, I nodded.
"Yes my brother, we are twins but we aren't identical like the Hitachiin twins over there," I explained.
"Obviously," Shiro mumbled I saw Honey give him a small glare.
"Wow Haruhi, you're looking extra manly today." Kaoru said. I noticed Haruhi was holding a tea set in her hands.
"I'm sorry Honey I have to get back to work cant let Haruhi do it for me," I said putting him down and walking over to Haruhi.
"Now do what the boss says and let Shiro take care of that tea set. It's part of his training. You're too macho for tea sets." Hikaur told Haruhi. I walked over taking the set from Haruhi before she could give it to Shiro.
"Don't worry about this Shiro I got it, it is my job after all, just focus on becoming a good Host," I said into his ear. "But I don't think that is truly what you want is it Shiro?" I asked talking quietly enough for only us to hear. Everyone looked at us curiously. I saw his eyes widen a bit then he glared at me. I ignored him and walked away. That confirms my theory he doesn't want to become a host and impress all girls but just one. Aw Shiro has a crush! So cute! I would ask him more about this mysterious girl later. I couldn't help but think it was adorable, what can I say something about younger kids is just so adorable. Honey for example he wasn't younger then me but he acted like it, I just feel more protective over younger kids, I was always nicer around them. None of this was meant in a creepy way, I just... oh goodness I am talking to myself in my head and I can't understand what I am saying, this club is really getting to me. I sighed and gave one of the girls some tea. I noticed Tamaki handing Haruhi another tea set to give to Shiro, why didn't he give it to Shiro himself. I will never understand him.
"Now be careful with it. It's pretty heavy." Haruhi told him. Shiro took the tea set and almost immediately dropped it.
"It's not my fault I dropped it. It's you fault because you're the one who made me take it in the first place." Shiro said growling a bit. What? He cant blame Haruhi Surely Kyoya wont-
"Haruhi, that's another 100,000 yen." Damn you Kyoya. I said to myself.
"Hey, you should make the cross dresser do all your stupid chores! I'm not here to carry tea sets! I'm here to learn how to make women happy!" Shiro shouted at them.
"You won't get anywhere with that attitude. And I am not going to let you disrespect Haruhi! So... put this brat in isolation!" Isolation?
"You got it, boss." The twins said together suddenly a big cage fell overtop Shiro trapping him.
"What's going on here!? Why'd you put me in a cage all of a sudden!?" Shiro shouted.
"Yeah, where did it come from? This is supposed to be a music room, right?" I walked over to Tamaki and hit him on the back of the head, He fell forewords and grabbed his head then turned to look at me.
"What was that for?" He shouted at me. I looked down at him.
"Tamaki, you really are clueless aren't you? Just let Shiro out it isn't right to expect him to stay in a cage, the poor boy must feel like an animal at the zoo or something, there is a more civil way to deal with this," I told him.
" She's Right! This is no way to treat your loyal apprentice! Now let me out of this cage!" Shiro shouted.
"You aren't helping your cause," I mumbled. Tamaki regained his act.
"Not until you've learned your lesson. I made you my apprentice because I thought you were serious about becoming a host, but I guess I was wrong." Tamaki said. I looked at him.
"I am serious! Totally serious! I want you to teach me how to make a woman happy. I'm gonna run out of time. Please won't you teach me? You're a host because you like girls. You like bringing a smile to a girl's face. That's why you do it, right? Please won't you teach me to be like you. You're a genius at it! You're the king!" Shiro said. He was running out of time? I may have figured it out.
"Well, you may be a brat, but I admire your desire to become a host, so I'll teach you. You know, Shiro, you and I are so much alike."
"Then, you'll help me become the kind of host that can make any women happy?" Shiro asked hopefully gripping the bars.
"Of course. Making women happy is the sole purpose of being a host. If this is what you really want, Shiro, then you'll have to figure out how to use the material you already have." Tamaki told him.
"What does that mean?" Shiro asked raising an eyebrow. I saw kyoya go on the other side of the cage
"You see, here at the Ouran host club, our policy is to use our individual personality traits to meet the needs of our guests.
For example, there's Tamaki, who is the princely type. There's the strong silent type. The boy-Lolita type. The little-devil type. And the cool type. It's all about variety. And now our group is complete with the addition of Haruhi, the natural." Kyoya explained.
"What about the maid where does she fit into all this?" Shiro asked pointing at me,
"Oh Misa? She's just the maid that reminds me Misa there is still a broken tea set on the floor, shouldn't you d something about that?" He asked smirking. I glared at him and everyone backed away from me a bit. I sighed and walked away grabbing a broom and dust pan from the closet.
"It would seem that right now we have a perfect blend of characteristics, so it's going to be difficult to find a new type for Shiro." I heard Kyoya say as I started cleaning the floor.
"If you go by his age, he should be the boy-lolita type." Hikaru pointed out. I saw a hurt look cross Honey's face.
"But Honey senpai's already got that covered." Kaoru finished.
"Is he going to replace me?" Honey asked with tears pouring from his face. I sighed poor Honey-pie. Suddenly there was a rumbling noise and a platform came out from in front of me separating me from the host club.
"Oh come on! Is that all you got?" I heard Renge ask, I continued to sweep the floor silently listening to the conversation.
"What's up with this place? It's supposed to be a music room." Haruhi asked
"Sorry to interrupt gentlemen, but what's with the lackluster character analysis? I must say I'm quite disappointed. I thought I taught you better." I suppose that was Renge's way of saying hi.
"All right then Miss manager, how would you work Shiro into our collection of characters? He can't be the boy-lolita because Honey's already got that covered." Tamaki's said skeptically.
"You just don't get it, do you? Now listen up! There are plenty of girls out there who have a thing for younger boys or boys with baby faces. These girls would be considered Shota fans. Now Shota can be a very broad category. So it's important to know that the genre can be broken down into many different smaller sub-categories. For example, Shota fans with an interest in lolita boys would favor a boy like Haninozuka senpai. But this little boy is different. If I had to pick a character for him... Yes! He'd be the naughty boy type without a doubt!" The naughty type? That's just weird if anything I would label Shiro as the Rebelious/Dangerous type. Maybe that's what she means? Oh I better finished this up. I said drawing my attention back to the pile of broken dishes on the floor. I finished up and went into the kitchen to throw away the remains of the tea set. I quickly went back out to see Shiro covered in fake bandages and fake blood. Poor kid.
"Oh, that was perfect! Absolutely perfect, Shiro!" Renge said.
"That was outstanding. I never knew you were such a great coach, Renge." Tamaki complimented. I wonder if Renge still thought he was fake? Hmmm.
"Ohohohoho!" Renge laughed? Was that a laugh?
"I've had enough of you people! This is so stupid! None of this is ever gonna help me make her happy." Shiro shouted and ran from the room. I gave Tamaki a glare, if looks could kill he would be long gone, but he hadn't seen me. I quickly left the room to find Shiro. I ran after him and Just saw him turning the corner. I pushed myself to run faster. Damn this kid ran fast. I saw him sitting on a bench outside under a tree. I stopped then slowly walked towards him. When I was a couple meters away from him his head shot up to look at me his eyes rimmed with tears and some tears stained his cheeks, I gave him a soft smile as he tried to rub the tears from his eyes. I sat down beside him ignoring his attempt glare.
"You know if you just wanted to make one girl happy you could have just let them know, they might have pressed you to know who but with a couple strict words and a glare I imagine they would stop," I explained. He looked at me.
"Its' to late, she's going to leave and I wont be able to do anything," He said some tears started falling down his cheeks and he tried to rub them away. I put a comforting arm around him and lightly used my fingers to wipe away his tears.
"Shiro, its' not to late she's still here isn't she, find something that you two have in common use that to start a conversation, are you friends with her? Do you know her well? Maybe give her something personal maybe homemade or something that only you know that she likes," I told him giving him ideas. He sniffled.
"She likes Piano," He said rubbing his eyes and looking up at me. "Do you think she likes me Misa?" I smiled at him and handed him a tissue from my pocket.
"Of course Shiro-kun, its' impossible for someone not to like an adorable boy like you," I said ruffling his hair and removing my arm from his shoulder's. He gave me a glare.
"Hey what was that for?" He whinned. I laughed.
"Come on Shiro you should be heading home now I will see you tomorrow and tomorrow you will tell this mysterious girl how you feel about her, the sooner the better right?" He looked a bit nervous but he nodded.
"But what do I say Misa-chan?" He asked me. I put a finger on my chin to make it look like I was thinking.
"Well why don't we talk about that more tomorrow what is your last class?"
"Music, Hina has music with me to," He replied blushing.
"Hina is that her name? Well then its' settled I will meet you in your music class after school I will be there right as the bell rings," I ruffled his hair again and we parted ways before he could object.

The next day after school I went to Shiro's music class. When I got there I looked into the room to see many of the students hadn't left yet I saw Shiro looking out the window, a girl walked up to him and he turned to face her. She had brown hair and golden eyes she wore a pink dress and her hair was in two loose but neat pigtails. Then she walked over to the grand piano and began to play I saw Shiro close his eyes and smile, so that must be Hina.
"Pardon me, mademoiselle. I've never seen a rose more lovely than you, my dear. Here, this is for you. I was wondering if you could tell me anything about that young lady playing the piano. Do you know her?" I turned to see Tamaki and the rest of the Host club by the window.
"That's Hina Kamishiro." The girl smiling.
"Her name is Hina?"
"That's right, but you better not fall in love with her." The girl said still smiling
"Didn't you know? Hina has to move away soon. Her dad just got a new job in Germany. So they have to move there at the end of the week." She explained. Germany that's so far. Poor Shiro. Then I saw him come outside of the room with his fists clenched at his sides. He looked at me then glared at the Host Club.
"What do you think you're doing!? I want you idiots to leave immediately! Misa-chan why did you bring them?" He shouted the Host club looked up noticing me.
"I didn't Shiro-kun I actually have no idea why they are here, but don't worry they- Tamaki!" I said a bit louder then I usually said. Tamaki had picked up Shiro and carried him away, I saw Hina standing by the door she looked worried and upset. I watched thm walk off.
"Put me down! What are you doing?! Let me go! Just put me down!" Shiro shouted blushing when he saw Hina."Put me down!" Shiro screamed again before disappearing around the corner. I lightly put a hand on Hina's shoulder she looked up at me.
"Don't worry Hina-chan Shiro-kun will be fine the Host-Club will take good care of him," I smiled at her before following the Host Club back to music room 3.
"You've got your sights set on one woman in particular. You only care about one, and that's Hina Kamishiro! But I'm afraid, there's nothing I can do to help you with that. Listen, Shiro. I know that I told you it's the job of a host to make women happy. But when you care for someone, you must find the courage to express what is in your heart! You have to tell her how you feel about her! You didn't come to me looking to become a full-fledged host. You want to be a full-fledged man." Tamaki scolded as I walked in Shiro sat on a chair and looked up when I walked in. I gave him a sympathetic look and walked over to them sitting beside him on the couch, I put an arm around him as he looked down.
"It doesn't matter anymore. I've run out of time. I just... I wanted to hear her play before she left for good. That's all." He said looking down.
"Shiro-kun I told you yesterday its' not to late, both of you are still here she hasn't left yet, she isn't leaving for another week, if you are determined enough you can figure out a way to tell her how you feel. Besides that piece she played, its Mozart's sonata in D major for two pianos, wasn't it? If you know the song maybe you two could play it together before she leaves, don't give up Shiro, giving up in something wont get you anywhere, believe me I know," I smiled at him as I finished my sentence I saw Tamaki pull on some curtains to reveal a grand piano. I heard the rest of the club mumble about a piano. Haruhi was asking them when it got here and her response was.
"Well this is a music room, after all."
"So why wouldn't it have a grand piano?"
"It is a music room, after all."
"It is a music room."
"It's always been there We've just had it covered up." Tamaki pulled at another curtain to reveal another one facing the first one.

"Misaki you seem familiar with the song would you like to play it with me?" I was a bit shocked at first bit I nodded walking over to the Piano Tamaki sat at one while I sat at the other. I saw Tamaki nod and we both began to play.
"Awesome." I heard Shiro say I smiled; it has been a long time since I have played Piano. Tamaki and I finished the song I saw the rest of the Host Club smiling and Haruhi looking at me with a bit of shock.
"Wow Misaki I never knew you could play," She said. I nodded.
"What you never knew you own sister could play the piano?" Hikaru asked. She nodded.
"I'm sorry I never told you Haruhi I have known how to play for a while," Shiro walked over and stood beside Tamaki.
"For the next week you will spend your mornings, lunches, recesses, and free time after school in piano lessons with me. Understood Shiro?"
"But why?" He asked.
"You wanted to be my apprentice, right? Besides, that young lady looked like she wanted nothing more than to play the piano with you." I nodded in agreement. Over the next week I had watched Tamaki teach Shiro the piece until he could play it flawlessly.

On Hina's last day all the guys dressed up in white tuxedo's and we closed the Host club for that day. I even dressed up in a black and white dress, (The one in the picture above but with black gloves that went to her elbows not armbands) I was hesitant at first but Shiro talked me into it.
"Welcome princess. We've been waiting." The members said together.
"I present to you Shiro Takaoji's piano recital. If you please, princess." Tamaki said holding out a chair that was in front of the piano. We had moved the pianos so that they were beside each other.
"Let's play together, Hina." Shiro said. Hina was blushing, she smiled
"Okay!" We listened to the two play.
"We did a good thing." Tamaki said as we watched. I nodded
"He loves with all his heart So I guess that's one more way Shiro takes after you, huh senapi?" Haruhi said.
"Why yes, I'd say so." Tamaki replied looking at her. She smiled.

Ten days later I was waitressing in the Host club. Shiro was surrounded by girls as he talked with Haruhi.
"So you've been exchanging e-mails with Hina everyday now that she's in Germany?"
"Yeah, more or less. I like her, but she can get pretty jealous for an elementary school girl. She'd be upset if she knew I was with you ladies, so let's keep this our little secret." He said.
"Oh, isn't he the cutest?"
"...so lucky."
"I wish I had a brother just like him."
"Naughty boys are the best."
"I could kiss you." The girls gushed. I smiledas I saw Tamaki fuming.
"You brat, what are you doing?! Those are my guests!" He shouted.
"Well, it looks like they've found someone they like better. It's so easy to steal your customers. I think there's a new host king in town." Shiro said smiling at him. I patted Tamaki on the head.
"I thought he'd make it through without exploding this time." Kaoru said.
"We should have known he was going to blow up sooner or later." Hikaru finished.
"Tamaki you should be proud this means you are a good teacher," I said trying to calm him down.
"Shiro really does have a lot in common with Tamaki senpai. I get the feeling that Senpai was also a spoiled brat when he was a kid." Haruhi pointed out.
"I was not a spoiled brat! I was nothing like him when I was a kid! I was a sweet, innocent, precocious adorable child! Do you hear me!?" Everyone laughed at Tamaki's response and I smiled. I couldn't help but think to myself, If I had never had that useless fight with Haruhi would we even be here right now?

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