Happy Valentine's Day <3

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"Okay, lemme get this straight. You hate Valentine's? but yet you are a 'lady's man'?" I asked Mark. He sighed and nodded his head.

"Love should be everyday but everyone geta so emotional today because it Valentine's Day. In my opinion, I think it ia stupid." Mark said. I sighed and closed my eyes. No wonder he locked himself in his room till the next day.

I stood up and began to put on shoes.

"(y/n)? Where you going?" Mark asked. I looked over and smiled.

"I'm going to go grab something." I said as sweetly as I could. He raised his brow.

"Don't worry. Bye bye." I hurried out the door and towards the car. I decided that I was going to get some coffee and a couple of books. It's a secret to get Mark yo celebrate. Just, ina different way.

I made my way to the bookshop and picked up the best books I thought Mark would love. I giggled when I exited the shop. A romance novel, fantasy, sci-fi, and fiction novel. Hard to please someone when they've read almost every book at the shop.

I then went to his favorite coffee shop and got him his favorite coffe, with a bit of peppermint in it. He never knows. I made my way back to the house and quickly went inside.

"Welcome back?" Mark said unsure. I smiled widely.

"I thought that since you didn't enjoy the day, how about enjoying other things you do love? So you aren't sad and misrable all day." I smiled at him. Mark stared at me for a second and quickly got up and smiled. He kissed and looked me in the eyes.

"This is why I love you." Mark said, still smiling. I smiled back and pecked him.

"Shall we read?" I asked. Mark laughed.

"Yes, we shall." I handed him his coffee and we both sat down on couch. I snuggled against him and laid my head on his shoudler. He laid his on top.

Perfect Valentine's Day.

Hope you guys had a great Valentine's Day. ^^

Balls McChin (Eddsworld Mark x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now