Chapter 5

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This chapter is dedicated to tasting_stars because she was my inspiration for this story and pretty much writing in general. If you haven't read her stories yet I highly recommend you do, you will not regret it!

Also please note that none of these chapters have been edited so if you see a mistake, especially one that takes away from the story, don't shy away! Please let me know❤️

Happy reading!


The wind caressed my face as I soared. Higher, higher I felt like I was flying.

"Higher mommy, higher!" She laughed and it sounded like soft chimes. When the swing came back down she pushed with even harder force.

"I think your going as high as you can!" She chuckled again with delight, she enjoyed these times together just as much as I did.

"I want to touch the clouds mommy, I have to go higher." She was silenced for a moment, then she whispered softly in my ear.

"Then jump my darling." So I did.

And then I flew.


My eyes felt heavy when I came to my senses. I was sitting on a chair in what seemed to be a cement basement. When I went to get out of the chair, I couldn't. My legs were bound to the legs and my arms to the armrests.

Figures, if I was kidnapped they wouldn't make it easy to escape.

The situation felt humorous, they had no idea they just kidnapped a super. I could easily do the same thing to these ropes that I did to the stage at the park.

Except when I tried, they didn't budge.


The only reason these ropes would be lined with styrofoam is if they were trying to weaken a super. So turns out, these guys do know who there messing with. Styrofoam is every supers Kryptonite, it weakens not just our powers but us in general. My wrist were already starting to burn, although I have no idea how long I was knocked out for.

I have no idea how anyone could have figured out my identity. I have never told anyone my secret, and it's not like I socialize often.

My eyes have started to adjust to the darkness enough that I could make out A staircase in the corner.

I started to struggle against my restraints just as the stairs started to moan. Footsteps descended down them gradually and when they reached the bottom, a single over hanging light flickered on.

A tall man dressed in a navy jump suit and balaclava sauntered towards me, his posture radiating confidence and pride.

"Well isn't it Mooreston's city most wanted villain."  Hi voice was husky and deep, but it was strained, I could tell he lowered it an octave or two in order to disguise it. He obviously knows who I am, do I know who he is?

Since I am only Bree,  I assume the safest card I can play right now is stupid. It is possible he doesn't know for sure who I am, he could be waiting for confirmation.

"Okay, well I think you got me mixed up with somebody else, you see-" His hand quickly reached out and gripped my throat with far more strength than any  ordinary human could with hold. My throat made a supressed noise as I was attempting to gasp for air.

"Oh I didn't get it mixed up. No I know you all to well, Bree Hyland; a sweet and innocent university student who holds a secret. She wears a mask, and is truly Mooreston's own Villain. I know a lot more about you than you think I do." And with that he removed his hand from my neck. Gasping and heaving I shake my head. I was to busy losing brain-cells to fully comprehend what he said, but I got this gist. And honestly I had no idea what the heck was going on.

"Is this about the reward the mayor issued? I mean if you really want the money that bad I could go out and get you double the amount, heck with that strength you have there you could get triple." I was still trying to catch my breath, but I'm pretty sure he understood me because he just laughed.

"I'm not after the money," He paused for what I'm pretty sure was dramatic effect, "I'm after something more important that that.."  Though before he could elaborate he was... electrocuted? He fell to the ground making an odd hissing noise, and he looked to still be breathing but I wasn't sure. Confused for a moment I looked around the room. Standing a few feet behind me was Mooreston's favourite super.

White Lightning, my saviour.

I'm going to puke.

He briskly untied my restraints, flinching when first coming in contact with the Styrofoam. When he was done he stood up, puffed his chest out and put his arms on his hips. His cape cascading behind him, it looked to be moving, but we were in a basement with zero wind. There isn't even air conditioning.

"Fear not civilian, for I am here to rescue you from fatality." He spoke with cheesy enthusiasm then took my hand and kissed it.

Oh God, I'm going to need a bucket.

"listen here buddy, I'm not some damsel in distress. I was handling it." My voice contained high levels of sass and frustration, and if looks could kill, the glare I'm giving him would send him six feet under. He is surprised by my reaction and loses his 'superhero' stance. He smirked a little when he looked and the ropes on the floor and then to me.

"I mean you were tied up to a chair and all... I was just giving you a hand." He rubbed the back of his neck almost nervously.

I shot him another glare. "I was handling it." He sighed frustrated.

"This isn't the reaction I usually get." This he mumbled mostly to himself. I scoffed.

"Yeah well that's too bad, I'm gonna go home now."  And with that I shot him a wink and step over the dude on the floor, before I reached the stairs I turned around and said, "Oh and take care of the guy you electrocuted will yeah?"

The only response I got in return was a dumbfounded stare.


If you enjoyed this chapter it would mean a lot if you,




Until next time,

Izzy <3

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