Chapter 6

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I'm dedicating this chapter to flygirl1 ! She agreed to be my editor and I'm super excited, hopefully now my grammatical errors won't take away to much from the story:)


I was having a hard time attempting to wrap my mind around things. When I got home it was late into the day after I got knocked out.

I was tired, hungry and pretty freaking confused. Considering the fact that I had slept for over a day, you wouldn't think I would be as exhausted as I was. Being in contact with styrofoam weakened my powers, I needed time to recover. So I had ate a whole pizza and fell into a dreamless sleep.

The next morning is a Saturday. No school. And I had made no prior plans elsewhere. Well I didn't until Preston came knocking on my door.

He didn't wait for me to answer. Strolling right in he sat on the end of my mattress. That earned him a pillow in the face, even though he caught it.

"You can't just waltz on into my room like that you moron!" He fiddled with the fray on my comforter. "I could have been naked!"

He looked as if he already considered that scenario, "Not that, that wouldn't have been a great surprise and all but I knew you weren't."

I glared at him, "Pervert."

Laughing he and jumped up off the bed. He pulled the covers off of me to reveal my oversized tea-shirt and short-shorts. Embarrassed, I quickly pulled them back up.

"What do you want?" I demanded rather eagerly. Preston was excited about something, it's not everyday he wakes me up. He knows better. And he should be grateful I was already awake this time.

"I have planned the best day of your existence!" At this he was practically jumping up and down. "Hurry up, we hardly hang out anymore."

With a final pout, he sauntered out of my bedroom before I could even reply.


Turns out Prestons big surprise was a trip to Mooreston's adventure park. A place where you get scammed and kids puke after going on a ride for the 6th time.

I have never been here as Bree. Whenever I had come here in the past I was always out to cause havoc. It was different to be in such a silly place, and try to enjoy it. Preston was unreasonably excited that he got to take me on my first time. He wanted to be that friend that always pushed me to see new things. Which in a way I appreciated, he was the only real friend I had.

"I still can't believe you've never been to an amusement park before." He stated as we strolled along rainbow painted sidewalk. "You will never get cotton candy this good anywhere else."

I took a bit of mine and smiled. It was true, the cotton candy here was pretty good.

We continued to walk through the park in silence, each of us minding our own. I couldn't help but notice through the corner of my eye that he was practically staring at me. I didn't say anything though.

I let my mind wonder. Wondering where I would be now if I didn't gain special abilities. Would I be on the streets? Or would I have been adopted into a loving family? Maybe then I would have turned out differently. Maybe I would have visited a park like this every weekend with my friends.

My train of thought was lost when Preston poked me in the side.

"Do you want to go play that water gun game?" Not exceptionally, no. But I went along with it anyways. My stubborn facade was no match for Peston's puppy dog I eyes.

The game was simple. Spray the middle of the target, if I could keep mine steady enough my balloon would rise to the bell the fastest. The target was interesting though, it was a small cutout of Villian. You had to spray her right in the middle of my heart. The worst part though was the balloon, with Silver Lightings cocky face painted on it.

I knew this was how the public saw things, how I made the public see things. But in truth, Silver spandex hardly ever won.

Preston payed for both of us, saying that it will be worth it to beat me.

We both aimed at our target. The lady who took Prestons money counted down.


The bell went off and I blasted with full force. Hitting right in the middle of my target. After a short ten seconds or so the balloon popped. Preston's Silver Lightning made it to the top, but no one seemed to excited. Both the lady and Preston looked at my popped balloon in shock.

"Guess I have really bad aim." I shrugged. Peston then started laughing, like full blow grab his stomach laughing so hard. He didn't stop until I shoved his shoulder. Hard. But even then he was still cracking up a bit.

The lady looked annoyed and handed him his stuffed prize. He took it with a thank you and handed it to me.

Oh joy, I thought sarcastically, a Silver Lighting stuffy, just what I wanted.

I took it anyways, the smile on Prestons face was worth it.

The rest of the day surprisingly  was fun and relaxing. We probably went on almost all the rides. I know for a fact I ate my weight in cotton candy, and I wouldn't doubt Preston did the same.

It wasn't until we were about to leave anything interesting happened. The screams came from the other side of the park, but we could both hear them. Shortly after I was able to see what caused them.


So yeah.

What do you guys think?

And I was wondering if you preferred shorter chapters with quicker updates or longer chapters with more of a wait?

Let me know!

Happy reading,

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