Valentine // Ezekiel Elliott

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Hi guys, hope y'all are enjoying y'alls valentines! It feels like any other day to me cause I never have a valentines buuuut anyways I hope you guys enjoy this imagine <3


I was sitting down in my black leather couch watching tv. Today is Valentine's Day and I'm sadly not spending it with my boyfriend Zeke. We got into an argument yesterday and we haven't talked since. I wish we weren't like this, especially on this day.

We were fine yesterday until his ex Ashley, texted him. I asked him about it and he just told me he didn't know why she was texting him, but me being my paranoid self; felt like he wasn't telling me the truth so I kept interrogating him about it. So we started arguing and things got kinda ugly so Zeke left mad slamming the door on his way out.

I don't blame Zeke for being mad, I'm so stupid for not believing him. I wanted to call him but I decided against it. I should just give him time to cool off.

I am currently watching 'the notebook', I know what you're thinking but today is Valentine's Day so it's only right if I watch a movie out romance, right ?

It was on the part when Noah and Allie are kissing in the rain and it reminded me when Zeke and I did the exact same thing.


I halted to a stop and put my hands on my head to try and catch my breath. Zeke made me come on a run with him, he practically had to drag me over here.

"Why'd you stop Mia?"
I looked up at him and gave him a face.

"Oh I don't know, maybe cause I got tired"
I rolled my eyes while he chuckled.

"We barely started, how can you possibly be tired already?"

"I don't work out everyday like you Zeke"
As I finished that sentence, we heard thunder. It was sunny literally a few minutes ago, This Texas Weather I tell you.

"Come on babe,Let's finish the mile before it starts raining"
But it was already too late, the thunderstorm started.

"Zeke, come on let's go"
I grabbed Zekes arm and tried to pull him but he didn't budge.

"Wait Mia, dance with me"
I stopped what I was doing and looked at him as if he was crazy.

"Right now ?are you crazy?"
Zeke grabbed my right hand with his left and put his right hand around my waist, pulling me towards him.

"Zeke, it's raining"

"So? Dance with me"

"No, there's no music. We can't dance without music"

"Come on babe, like Troy and Gabriella did in High School Musical"
I couldn't help but laugh at his comment.

"Yea but Troy and Gabriella had music"

"Just dance with me"


"No, no buts come on"
I finally gave in and started dancing in the pouring rain. The things this boy makes me do. He spun me around and of course I slipped, but before I my butt touched the floor; Zeke caught me.

"Gosh I'm such a klutz"
He chuckled at my statement.

"You're a cute klutz"
I scrunched my nose at his comment and laughed.

"I love you Mia"
I looked up at his brown eyes and smiled.

"I love you more"
I pulled him down to my level and kissed him.

End of flashback

I smiled at the memory, I miss him so much. I grabbed my phone, unlocked it and went to my contacts. I scrolled down to his name and clicked on it. I nervously waved my thumb over the 'call' button, debating whether I should call him or not. Before I clicked the button, there was a knock on the front door. Confused, I walked over from my spot on the couch to the door and opened it. There I saw Zeke with a big bouquet of flowers, a big red heart shaped box and a big tan teddy bear.

"Mia, I'm Sor-"

"No Zeke, I'm sorry. I overreacted yesterday, I should've believed you. Please forgive me."
I ran up to him and wrapped my arms around his neck, hugging him tight.

"Mia, it's ok"
I pulled away and gave him my full attention.

"I would've reacted the same way if I found out your ex was texting you.I should've deleted Ashley's number from my phone a long time ago, I'm sorry baby"

He gave me a peck on the lips and looked down at the gifts.

"Oh these are for you"
He handed me the gifts and I walked in the house and put them on the couch. I turned back around to Zeke and pulled him to me.

"Thank you babe"
He brought our faces close together, inches apart.

"Happy Valentine's Day Baby Girl, I love you"
He closed the space between our lips and connected them.
Happy valentines indeed.

841 words
So there it is guys! I hope y'all liked them, don't forget to vote and comment what you think (:
Happy Valentine's Day!

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